
#These datasets collected from Facebook in Chadian and French mixed language for detection hate speech text. The datasets are containing Posts&Comments labeled into four categories (hate, offensive, insult, neutral). if you find this dataset and the code helpful don't forget to cite the original paper

M. S. Adoum Sanoussi, C. Xiaohua, G. K. Agordzo, M. L. Guindo, A. M. Al Omari and B. M. Issa, "Detection of Hate Speech Texts Using Machine Learning Algorithm," 2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2022, pp. 0266-0273, doi: 10.1109/CCWC54503.2022.9720792.

@INPROCEEDINGS{9720792, author={Adoum Sanoussi, Mahamat Saleh and Xiaohua, Chen and Agordzo, George K. and Guindo, Mahamed Lamine and Al Omari, Abdullah MMA and Issa, Boukhari Mahamat}, booktitle={2022 IEEE 12th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC)}, title={Detection of Hate Speech Texts Using Machine Learning Algorithm}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={0266-0273}, doi={10.1109/CCWC54503.2022.9720792}}