
URLockBox is an app that allows users to manage links. It interacts with a downstream system HotReads. These apps were written in 12 hours



  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/mscherer11/final-urlockbox
  2. Bundle bundle install
  3. Start Rails server: rails s


Testing is conducted via RSpec and can be triggered by running rspec in the terminal. It has been configured with the poltergiest gem to run the phantomjs webdriver via js: true in Capybara tests.


  • Server: Rails -> 5.0.0
  • Client-side: ERB/HTML, JavaScript
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Libraries: jQuery


Michael Scherer



  1. Navigate to the root page
  2. Click Sign Up

Result: Taken to the main page with an option to create links

Adding Links

  1. Add a title in the "Title:" box
  2. Add a url in the "Url:" box
  3. Click "Add link" button

Result: Link should be added to the table below


  • Type in "By Text:" box

Result: Table should dynamically generate based off keypress

  • Click "Only Unread Links"

Result: Table should show only those results that are unread

  • Click "Only Read Links"

Result: Table should show only those results that are read

Mark Read

On a single result:

  1. Click "Mark as Read"
  2. Navigate to HotReads

Result: If that link has been read enough within the last 24 hours, it will be shown on the Hot Reads list, with the number of times it has been read. On URLockbox, the card will be greyed out.

Edit Link

On a single result:

  1. Click "Edit"
  2. Edit Title
  3. Edit Url

Result: Changes will be persisted without refresh