
Python tool monitoring sites availability

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python tool monitoring sites availability. Sites can be configured using config.py stored in the same folder as sites_monitor.py script. Tool includes a basic HTTP server showing webpages status. It is avaliable at localhost:8000 by default.

Check Interval an server port are configurable by passing ` and --port arguments to the commandline script.


  • clone repo with git clone <address> (or manually copy and unpack zip or this repo)
  • install with python setup.py install
  • in case of issues with installing greenlet package (required by gevent), install gevent manually by pip install gevent


Run python sites_monitor.py to start the tool and the server.

To set the interval, pass --interval argument and value in seconds to the script, for example: python sites_monitor.py --interval 20 to check sites availability every 20 seconds.

To configure server's port, pass --port argument and port value to the script, for example: python sites_monitor.py --port 8899