
Converts behave json report into custom html

Primary LanguageHTML

Behave custom HTML report

Build Status

Using the behave json report format this script outputs a custom html report with useful stats on each feature, scenario and step.


  • Python

Source code outline

  • convertToHtml.py: main python script to convert json into custom html report
  • results_template.html: jinja2 template used to build custom html report


mkvirtualenv behave-custom-html-report
pip install -r requirements.txt


As input you should take the report produced from a behave test run: behave --format json ....

python convertToHtml.py -h

usage: convertToHtml.py [-h] [-n N] [-i I] [-o O] [-c C] [-t T]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -n N        Title for test report
  -i I        Behave json input file
  -o O        Output html file
  -c C        Override css
  -t T        jinja2 template


python convertToHtml.py -n "Test Report" -i testresults.json -c dark-style.css -t results_template.html -o results.html