
An experimental formalization of Knot Theory in Agda, with specific attention paid to Legendrian Knot Theory

Primary LanguageAgda

Agda Knots

An experimental formalization of Knot Theory in Agda, with specific attention paid to Legendrian Knot Theory.


  • Knot.Prelude: Basic definitions and imports from standard-library.
  • Knot.FrontDiagram: The definition of the front diagram of a tangle, the general case of a diagram of a knot/link. More examples coming soon.
  • Knot.FrontDiagram.Properties: Facts that show front diagrams behave as we'd expect -- in categorial language, that they form a pre-monoidal category.
  • Knot.Isotopy: The definition of Legendrian and smooth isotopy of tangles -- i.e. defining when two diagrams represent the same knot (the usual notion being smooth isotopy).
  • Knot.Isotopy.Properties: Coming soon. Facts that show tangles mod isotopy form a monoidal category -- i.e. behave like tangles.
  • Knot.Invariant: Coming soon. Proving that a function on tangles respects isotopy.

Other Files

  • Category.Monoidal: A formalization of the basic theory of monoidal categories, parameterized by some notion of equality. In the style of standard-library's Algebra.
  • Relation.Binary.Dependent: The notion of equality of morphisms used in the above -- tries to capture the notion of an equality that respects an equality, and is likely not the best way to do so.
  • Data.IntMod: A definitions of the integers mod n, using standard-library's Data.Nat.DivMod.


  • Re-prove invariance of tb, etc. w/ the new definition of Isotopy
  • Definitions (in terms of stabilizations, etc.) of (some?) remaining smooth Reidemeister moves
  • Prove that more invariants are actually invariant
  • Define equality of objects in monoidal categories in the 'right' way? (What would that be?)
  • More documentation, explanation, references throughout
  • Some of the Legendrian Knot Atlas as examples
  • Independence of --rewriting?