
lbaas-operator simplifies the process of creating Services with custom Endpoints in Kubernetes.

Primary LanguageGo


There are use-cases that you may want to call an application outside the okd clusters.

Think of a scenario that you have 3 VMs that are running elasticsearch nodes and the application should call a URL that load balances requests to these three instances.

lbaas-operator provides a kind named ExternalService that simplifies the process of creating Services with custom Endpoints in OKD. It allows you to interact with external applications seamlessly.

An example for an ExternalService can be:

apiVersion: networking.snappcloud.io/v1alpha1
kind: ExternalService
  name: example-external-service
  type: static
  serviceType: ClusterIP
     - ip:
     - ip:
     - ip:
    - name: 8080-tcp
      port: 8080
      protocol: TCP


The ExternalService object has the following fields:

  • metadata: Metadata for the ExternalService resource, including the name and other optional fields.
  • spec: Specification for the ExternalService, including the type, serviceType, endpoints, and ports.
    • serviceType: The type of Kubernetes Service to create. For example, "ClusterIP" or "Loadbalancer".
    • ports: The list of ports to expose on the Service. Each port should specify the name, port number, and protocol.
    • type: The type of ExternalService. Currently, only the "static" type is supported.
    • static: Defines a static list of IP addresses that will be used as the endpoints for the Service.
      • addresses: A list of IP addresses that represent the endpoints for the Service.


  • make generate update the generated code for that resource type.
  • make manifests Generating CRD manifests.
  • make test Run tests.


Export your image name:

export IMG=ghcr.io/snapp-incubator/lbaas-operator:main
  • make build builds golang app locally.
  • make docker-build build docker image locally.
  • make docker-push push container image to registry.

Run, Deploy

  • make run run app locally
  • make deploy deploy to k8s.

Clean up

  • make undeploy delete resouces in k8s.


Reporting security vulnerabilities

If you find a security vulnerability or any security related issues, please DO NOT file a public issue, instead send your report privately to cloud@snapp.cab. Security reports are greatly appreciated and we will publicly thank you for it.


Apache-2.0 License, see LICENSE.