Agencies SFTP Server

We're helping a global financial institution with operations spanning six AWS regions as our customer.

Our customer works with 21 marketing agencies and companies all around the world and now as part of data lake project, we want to create a solution to those agencies to upload data to our S3 buckets. Being not very tech savvy, they ask for SFTP connection for daily or weekly uploads.


Follow this instruction, To deploy agency required resources.


You will need terraform and aws-cli installed and configured.

Clone repository

git clone


Open agencies_sftp\sample.tfvars and modify it to address your needs. In the following sample user1 and user2 are users to be created. Please note that you can set public SSH key or path to the SSH public key file for each user. username variable could contain as many users as agency needs. You can set region to the desired one. senderName and senderEmail are holding notification sender name and email. recipientEmail is the one who should be notified. And the scheduleExpression is a cron pattern for sending out emails.

region     = "eu-west-1"
production = false
username = {
  user1 = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCpyq9KM6h+bGuZNHktEmkwLL2BZ5xPifAZJ7k2GjS9ukpulh1AKuWUEIF74Lx1I1jQVKoGh9HkzFLmM7LEDl2viZ65hvKxIOw52X8GCJSLSJYujCyhXRA57cFJ1BDsDYf8/HiaXZ4tB11KpN3mB9a/xV9aYOpVRwUMuYFx42gYBjmIQkqM7vNOXwf6UxqLenFJHTsQkNhoI1kUsMQ9o357FCgar+05KtBNXDaSnAPazFrJWstskJS4FX+9aT1OPXmzcuCFDkPxwk/pG9axKDbUIScdC58MChd527HJZEWX0U7E6YJCqYxe/gXPpWeCrwiVNw4kJdVNDso8pdaEMckt"
  user2 = "~/"
senderName         = "AWS SFTP Notification System"
senderEmail        = ""
recipientEmail     = ""
scheduleExpression = "cron(0 8 * * ? *)"

Deploy AWS s3 backend

Initialize modules:

cd tmp-tf-repository/aws_infra
terraform init

Apply configuration:

terraform apply

Deploy SFTP server and users

Initialize modules:

 cd ../agencies_sftp/
 terraform init

Apply configuration:

terraform apply -var-file sample.tfvars

Add/ remove/ update user

To add, remove or update user, edit agencies_sftp\sample.tfvars as described in the above section. Then run terraform apply.

cd tmp-tf-repository/agencies_sftp/
terraform apply -var-file sample.tfvars


To destroy resources run terraform destroy in both agancies_sftp and aws_infra directories and answer yes to the questions.

cd tmp-tf-repository/agencies_sftp/
terraform destroy
cd ../aws_infra
terraform destroy


For security reason you are not able to destroy a non-empty s3 bucket in AWS. In the agancies_sftp you can set production to false to ignore this constraint.

To be on safe side, destroying s3 bucket is not allowed in aws_infra (even with production=false). To destroy it you have to manually Empty the sftp-terraform-state-bucket bucket, then running terraform destroy.