
Colorize data file according to repetitive chunks, typical in ECB encrypted

Primary LanguagePython


Colorize data file according to repetitive chunks, typical in ECB encrypted.

See usage details and examples on the project page:


This toy is released under the WTFPL (Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License).

Copyright (C) 2014 Philippe Teuwen

Usage: ElectronicColoringBook.py [options] file

Colorize data file according to repetitive chunks, typical in ECB encrypted

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COLORS, --colors=COLORS
                        Number of colors to use, default=16
  -P PALETTE, --palette=PALETTE
                        Provide list of colors to be used, as hex byte indexes
                        to a rainbow palette or as RGB palette
  -b BLOCKSIZE, --blocksize=BLOCKSIZE
                        Blocksize to consider, in bytes, default=16
  -g GROUPS, --groups=GROUPS
                        Groups of N blocks e.g. when blocksize is not multiple
                        of underlying data, default=1
  -r RATIO, --ratio=RATIO
                        Ratio of output image, e.g. -r 4:3
  -x WIDTH, --width=WIDTH
                        Width of output image, can be float e.g. to ignore
                        line PNG-filter byte
  -y HEIGHT, --height=HEIGHT
                        Height of output image
  -s SAMPLING, --sampling=SAMPLING
                        Sampling when guessing image size. Smaller is slower
                        but more precise, default=1000
  -m MAXRATIO, --maxratio=MAXRATIO
                        Max ratio to test when guessing image size. E.g.
                        default=3 means testing ratios from 1:3 to 3:1
  -o OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
                        Offset to skip original header in number of blocks,
                        can be float
  -f, --flip            Flip image top<>bottom
  -p PIXELWIDTH, --pixelwidth=PIXELWIDTH
                        How many bytes per pixel in the original image
  -R, --raw             Display raw image in 256 colors
  -S, --save            Save a copy of the produced image
  -O OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                        Change default output location prefix, e.g. -O
                        /tmp/mytest. Implies -S
  -D, --dontshow        Don't display image