
Conkeror-like functionality for EWW

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

This is extension to the Emacs browser eww that adds conkeror like functionality[1]. More specifically, the following commands are provided:

eww-lnum-follow activates numbering and visits selected link, activates/moves to form field or pushes button.

eww-lnum-universal activates numbering and offers appropriate actions for the selection.

Screencast (use the highest video quality)


Here’s example how to assign key bindings for the above commands:

(eval-after-load "eww"
  '(progn (define-key eww-mode-map "f" 'eww-lnum-follow)
          (define-key eww-mode-map "F" 'eww-lnum-universal)))


eww-lnum-quick-browsing determines shortcutting method during selection.

eww-lnum-context-alist is a way to extend context of matching elements while filtering. This can be convenient for example to connect article with comment link on sites like reddit.


Extend universal dispatch

Actions offered after “universal” selection are determined by eww-lnum-actions-general (present for all elements), eww-lnum-actions-link-alist (added for links) and eww-lnum-actions-button-alist (added for buttons, checkboxes or radio) variables. Here’s example how to add Curl integration to download links (this is actualy built-in):

(setq eww-lnum-actions-link-alist
      (append eww-lnum-actions-link-alist
              '((?D (lambda (info)
                      (let ((olddir default-directory))
                        (cd (read-directory-name
                             "Save to: " eww-download-directory
                             nil t))
                         (concat "curl -k -O '" (car info) "' &")
                        (cd olddir)))
                    "Download with Curl"))))

Use link numbering to create new commands

The eww-lnum-get-action function can be used to invoke numbering with all filtering, bells and whistles and return what the user has chosen. Here’s example:

(eww-lnum-get-action "Follow: ")

If returned is not nil, it has the following form:

(href/eww-form position)

Look at the usage in eww-lnum-follow.


[1] In short, currently visible links, forms, buttons are temporarily assigned numbers with which the former can be immediately activated. Also filtering can be applied so selection can be incrementally confined in Isearch manner.