
Manage configuration files of OpenWRT hosts.

Primary LanguageGo


Manage configuration files of OpenWRT hosts.


Make sure that ssh and scp commands are available on the client machine.


make install


WARNING: It's still early days and this is under development; things might change.

vaal allows you to maintain all your OpenWRT configuration files in a git repo, organized in a sane way. Let's use the example in this repo to, explore some commands:

cd example/
vaal show router/etc/config/network

It will print the network configuration already interpolated with values from the YAML config files. If there is an OpenWRT installation on the IP defined in the YAML config files you may also use vaal copy to send single files to the router or vaal sync to send all files at once.


Every time you run vaal it checks if the current directory has a config.yaml and, optionally, a config.secrets.yaml. Those files contain the information on how to locate the routers and values that will be interpolated on the UCI config files. The config.secrets.yaml should not be committed to git repos and can hold sensible information like Wireguard secrets, etc. It's contents take precedence over config.yaml, meaning that if the same key is defined in both vaal will use the value in config.secrets.yaml.

You can also explicitly pass multiple config files, like

vaal --config config.yaml --config $HOME/.vaal.yaml list hosts

and the rightmost config will have higher precedence. Be aware that when you pass config files explicitly the program will not load config.yaml and config.secrets.yaml automatically.