
Barebones cookiecutter template for a Python 3.x project

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Barebones cookiecutter template for a Python 3.x project.

Tailored to be the bare minimum for a personal Python 3.x project.


  • Intended for adhoc personal projects that aren't going on PyPI any time soon.
  • If you want more than this please refer to the plethora of much more mature and fully featured Python project cookiecutters out there.


Based off these project structures:


  • One of these Python interpreters
    • Python 3.4
    • Python 3.5
    • Python 3.6
  • These Python packages
    • virtualenv
  • Make


Point the cookiecutter tool at the git URL for this repository and let it default to using the master branch.



A crude smoke testing recipe is included in the repository.

Run it using the included Makefile, and it will do the following:

  • Makefile runs tox with the "outer" config (/tox.ini)
  • Inside the "outer" tox config, cookiecutter is run to emit an instance of the templated project.
  • The Makefile logic then runs the "inner" tox config emitted as part of the template project.

Kick it all off by running this:


Release management

  • Branching is as follows:
    • The master branch is the latest "production" cut
    • The develop branch is the latest in-progress draft
  • Tags are made for each "release" of the template
    • The cookiecutter tool itself has no concept of versions of a template other than the URL it is given. When given a URL/path to a valid Git repo, it defaults to using the master branch (although you can override this at the cli etc.).
    • So these tags are more of a breadcrumb trail for the maintainer than something the cookiecutter tool would use directly.
    • A date-based versioning scheme is used for the tag names.