A simple Flutter plugin for turning on and off Bluetooth on Android devices.
Getting Started
Import the library
import 'package:bluetoothonoff/bluetoothonoff.dart';
Turn on Bluetooth
Turn off Bluetooth
Since turnOnBluetooth and turnOffBluetooth both return a Future<bool>
you can await them. So as shown in the example you can use the bool for checking if the invocation was successful.
Await (inside an async function)
bool success = false;
success = await BluetoothOnOff.turnOnBluetooth;
The plugin doesn't work on my AVD (Android Virtual Device)
Because Bluetooth emulation is not supported by AVD you need to run your Flutter project on a physical device.
The plugin does not work on iOS
Currently only Android is supported.
Bluetooth does not turn on or off
Check the console. If the plugin fails to turn on or off Bluetooth it will print a string containing any of the following self explanatory PlatformExceptions:
- Bluetooth was already on/off.
- Android version lower than 4.4 (KitKat) is unsupported.
- Could not turn on/off " Bluetooth. (something went wrong on the Android OS side)