
am2ch collects data from alertmanager and writes to ClickHouse for alert analytics

Primary LanguageShell

DIY alert analysis

Alert analysis tool gathers alerts from webhook and Alertmanager API, stores it in ClickHouse database and provides dashboards for analyzing the data. Please refer to Cloudflare Blog for insights and experiences and PromCon 2023 in Berlin for the talk presentation.

This demo uses vector.dev to collect data from different sources and write the data in the datastore. we use one http_server vector instance - to receive Alertmanager webhook notifications, two http_client sources to query Alertmanager's alerts and silence API endpoints and two sinks for writing all the state logs in ClickHouse into alerts and silences tables.

The docker-compose will bring up several containers:

  • Cadvisor is used to generate system metrics for monitoring.
  • Prometheus is used to monitor and generate alerts.
  • Alertmanager is to route alerts and provide the alert events via webhook and API.
  • alertmanager_silence is to create an Alertmanager silence.
  • blackbox_exporter is for monitoring the sites and generating alerts.
  • ClickHouse is used to write the Alertmanager alert events into the datastore for alert analysis.
  • Vector.dev - to collect data from Alertmanager webhook, alerts and silences API, transform the data and write into ClickHouse.
  • Grafana is used to visualize the logs.



Getting started:

Bring up the containers using docker compose docker compose up

Please wait for about 5 minutes for the alerts to be triggered and visit http://localhost:3000/ to explore the Alerts and silences overview dashboard and play around.

alerts and silences overview