
Primary LanguagePython

A music recommendation system using fuzzy logic and Last.fm tags

Running the programs

  1. Download & extract the dataset
  2. run python preprocess/split_tsv_per_user.py <path-to-tsv-file>
  3. run run_all.sh <path-to-split/-directory> and follow the instructions
  4. Evaluation scripts are in eval/, data used in the report can be found in paper_data FLS/ contains a basic implemenation of fuzzification, which we're not using. It's just a try-out, and can be disregarded


Useful links:

Note that the Last.fm API is veeery slow, so be doing the preprocessing yourself would take a lot of time It'd probably be wise to work with configuration files in the future..also the code could be cleaned up a whole bunch

Defuzzification (and returning albums based on clusters of tags)

  • Get an album from other user in the same cluster(collaborative) - but then why cluster and not just lookup the closest user?
  • Use the most frequent tag(s) with tag.getTopAlbums. Will be very prone to music coming from the head of popularity
  • Something with difference to closest cluster(weighted in case of fuzzy clusters)

The .api_key file should look like a json file:

  "application_name": "Fuzzy Logic Music Recommendation",
  "key": <GET FROM LAST.FM>,
  "shared_secret": <GET FROM LAST.FM>,
  "username": <INSERT USERNAME HERE>,
  "password": <INSERT PASSWORD HERE>