A Management system for Testers and Trainees for Determining driving tests.
- This was the FIRST project in B.Sc studies of Software Engineer.
- The design of the icon of this project is based on NESCAFE- TASTER'S CHOICE, so the copyrights of it belongs to them.
- The information of the system is saved as XML files.
- LiveCharts - Simple, flexible, powerful and open source data visualization for .Net.
- WpfAnimatedGif - A simple library to display animated GIF images in WPF.
- While the system is loading, special animation is displaying.
- Special design for Landing page.
- Register page is dynamic according to the chosen User type.
- Visual and easy way for the testers to define their possible schedule.
- The system has Integrity checks.
- Using algorithem of Password's strength.
- Has the possibility to reset the password using E-mail.
- The system has dynamic html file to be sent in the E-mail according to the user.
The system has unique message box.
- The Trainee can edit his details information- including his profile image.
- The Trainee can register to test.
- The Trainee can watch his tests details informaion.
- The Tester can edit his details information- including his profile image.
- The Tester can view his schedule.
- The Tester can see his future and past tests.
- The Tester can update wheter the trainee has past the test.
- The Tester can send a special request to the Administrator, the text-box has Spell checking.
- The Administrator can see all the users in the system.
- The Administrator can see all the tests in the system.
- The Administrator has special tables to analayze the data of the system using sort and filter options.
- The Adimnistrator can delete user.
- The Administrator has Statistic's chart to analayze the data of the system.