
Provides support for sprite sheet animations (+ upgraded for Tilemap/Tileset)

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT


Upgraded version of original Spritesheet library (https://github.com/skylarkstudio/spritesheet). It contains both versions for sprite sheets animation based on Bitmaps (Spritesheet) as well as on Tilemap/Tileset (Tilesheet).


This version of library has not been yet integrated with haxelib installation process so to install build from repository sources:

haxelib git spritesheet https://github.com/lmodlinski/spritesheet

To include Spritesheet in an OpenFL project, add <haxelib name="spritesheet" /> to your project.xml.


It's simple to get started with animations. Both Spritesheet and Tilesheet requires a Bitmap to start with:

var bitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData('some_sprite_sheet.png');

In comparision to original Spritesheet library importers were cut down to two main ones:

var spritesheet:Spritesheet = BitmapImporter.createSpritesheet(bitmapData, 3, 9, 56, 80);
var tilesheet:Tilesheet = BitmapImporter.createTilesheet(bitmapData, 3, 9, 56, 80);

Add a behavior given by its name, all the frames it consists of and extra parameters as 'loop' or 'persistent':

spritesheet.addBehavior(new Behavior('idle', [3, 4, 5], false, false, 15));
tilesheet.addBehavior(new Behavior('idle', [3, 4, 5], false, false, 15));

Create an animated Spritesheet with following lines:

var animated_spritesheet:AnimatedSpritesheet = new AnimatedSpritesheet(spritesheet, true)

var animated_tilesheet:AnimatedTilesheet = new AnimatedTilesheet(tilesheet, true)

And select a behavior to show on screen:


Finally, tell the sprite when to animate and the delta since the last update, in this case we'll be updating via Event.ENTER_FRAME.

private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):Void
    var time = Lib.getTimer();
    var delta = time - lastTime;
    lastTime = time;