iOS Programming Training

My First Application

An application displaying a text input, a button and a label updated with the text input when the button is pressed. Also contains a navigation controller and an image view.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions.

Age Of Laika

Converts human years to dog years.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions.

Funky Unit Converter

Converts number of bills to football fields.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions.

Class Testing Ground

A playground for some basic Cocoa object usage.

Topics covered: NSString, NSArray.

Pirate Adventure

Yarr! This is a pirate game. With weapons, armors and a mob.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, Classes.

Passing Data Challenge Solution

Simple application showing how to pass data between controllers.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions.

Man's Best Friend

Display random dog pictures

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, Classes, random.

A View Into The World

Basic view creation using code only.

Topics covered: CGRect, UIView

View Objects in Code

Creates some UI objects using code only.

Topics covered: UILabel, UITextField, UIButton.

UITableViewController Challenge

Light introduction to UITableView.

Topics covered: UITableView.

User Data Challenge

Basic exercise related to UITableView.

Topics covered: UITableView.

UIScrollView Challenge Solution

Basic application showing a scroll view.

Topics covered: UIScrollView.

Drawing a House

Drawing on a view using bezier path.

Topics covered: UIView, UIBezierPath.

Race to the Top

Small "game" in which you have to follow a path using your finger.

Topics covered: CGPoint, UIBezierPath, UIColor, UITapGestureRecognizer, UIPanGestureRecognizer, NSTimer.

Out of this World

Display various informations about space objects.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, Protocols, Segues, UITableView, UIScrollView, Lazy instanciation, NSUserDefaults.

NSUserDefaults, Segues and Protocols Challenge Solution

A basic application persisting some data.

Topics covered: Storyboards, Navigation controller, IBOutlets, IBActions, NSUserDefaults, Protocols, Segues.

Overdue Task List Assignment Solution & Overdue Task List Assignment Solution Correction

Simple todo list.

Topics covered: Storyboards, Navigation controller, Segues, IBOutlets, IBActions, Protocols, Lazy instanciation, NSUserDefaults, UITableView, NSDate, NSDateFormatter, NSTimeInterval, UITableView editing.

Thousand Words

Photo albums management.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, UITableView, Segues, Protocols, UICollectionView, CoreGraphics, Filters, UIImagePickerController, Multi Threading, Grand Central Dispatch.

Parse Test

Parse testing application.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, UITableView, Segues, Parse.


A tinder clone.

Topics covered: Storyboards, IBOutlets, IBActions, Segues, Parse, Facebook Login, NSURL, NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection, Constants, Sliders, JSQMessagesViewController, Assets catalogs, Segue custom transition, Mixpanel.