Logger command for keeping quick and easy notes on engagements.
usage: log.py [-h] [-l | -n NEW_LOG | -x | -d | -g GREP] [-s | -f | -m] [message [message ...]]
Add log messages to a custom log.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --list-logs list previous log files
-n NEW_LOG, --new-log NEW_LOG
create a new log file or switch to an old one
-x, --show-log display the current log
-d, --delete-log delete the current log
-g GREP, --grep GREP grep the log for a word or phrase
-s, --success add a success log message
-f, --failure add a fail log message
-m, --remember add a remind me message
message the log message
- First create a new log file with
log -n <log file location>
$ log -n ~/work/rt/my-engagement/2020-02-05/log.txt
[+] Log file added: /home/m0rv4i/work/rt/my-engagement/2020-02-05/log.txt
- Then log messages with
log <message>
$ log sent phishing email to AThompson
[+] Log message added to /home/m0rv4i/work/rt/my-engagement/2020-02-05/log.txt.
This will append a timestamped log to the file. Different types of log messages can be added by using the -s (success), -f (failure) or -m (remember) options.
$ log -m retrieve dropbox
[+] Log message added to /home/m0rv4i/work/rt/my-engagement/2020-02-05/log.txt.
- You can view the whole log with
log -s
$ log -s
[*] Showing log: /home/m0rv4i/work/rt/my-engagement/2020-02-05/log.txt
[2020-02-05 14:45:03.590915] - sent phishing email to AThompson
[2020-02-05 14:47:16.177236] - got an implant on AThompson's box
This will also detail the current log.
- You can also grep the log with
log -g
$ log -g REMEMBER
[2020-02-06 12:27:17.500479] [REMEMBER] - do something
[2020-02-06 12:43:21.228919] [REMEMBER] - retrieve dropbox
- You can delete the current log with
log -d
. - You can view the present and previous log files with
log -l
$ log -l
[*] Log files:
This list is stored in ~/.log-files.
The recommendation is to add a bash script for ease of running, e.g. add the below to /usr/bin
if you clone this to /opt
python3 /opt/logger/log.py $@
For zsh add a function e.g. in your .zshrc
as the 'log' command already exists for logarithms.
function log {
command python3 /opt/logger/log.py $@