Three.js Boilerplate

This boilerplate has been generated with m0wh/frontend-boilerplate-ts.


Click here or on the green "Use this template" button on top to create a new repository with the same file structure. Then just clone it, replace what needs to be replaced in package.json (name, repository url...) and you are ready!

Tip 1: you can add to your bookmarks to create a repo in one click.

Tip 2: you can create a function into your .bash_profile (or .zshenv etc.) to clone this repo, then rm -rf .git to reset the repository.

newgl () {
  mkdir -p -- "$1"
  cd -P -- "$1"
  git clone .
  rm -rf .git
  cd ..
  echo "Created new three.js project: type 'cd $1' to enter."


yarn # install dependencies
yarn start # run dev server
yarn build # builds your site