
Model driven extension of Alamofire

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A high level extension built on top of the awesome framework Alamofire.
How it works is best demonstrated by an example:

// Using Alamofire, make a request to the "athlete" endpoint
StravaAPI.athlete.request { result in
    // Map API result to result where the success is the model
    let modelResult: Result<Athlete, Error> = result.modelResult()
    switch modelResult {
    case let .success(athlete):
        // Use athlete
    case let .failure(error):
        // Handle error

Here, we are making a HTTP request to the "athlete" endpoint of the Strava API and mapping to an Athlete model on success. The details of the request can then be encapsulated in the StravaAPI enum (or anything that conforms to HTTPRequestable). Here's what that might look like:

/// Set of endpoints for the Strava API
enum StravaAPI {

    /// Fetch (logged in) `Athlete` based on authorization token
    case athlete

/// Define a `HTTPRequest` based on the `StravaAPI` endpoint
extension StravaAPI: HTTPRequestable {
    /// Map `StravaAPI` to a `HTTPRequest`
    func httpRequest() throws -> HTTPRequest {
        switch self {
        case .athlete:
            return HTTPRequest(
                method: .get,
                urlComponents: .stravaAPI(endpoint: "athlete"),
                additionalHeaders: HTTPHeaders(headers: [

/// `URLComponents` template for Strava API HTTP requests
extension URLComponents {
    /// Strava API for `endpoint` and `queryItems`
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - endpoint: `String`
    ///   - queryItems: `[URLQueryItem]`
    static func stravaAPI(
        endpoint: String,
        queryItems: [URLQueryItem] = []
    ) -> URLComponents {
        var urlComponents = URLComponents()
        urlComponents.scheme = "https"
        urlComponents.host = "www.strava.com"
        urlComponents.path = "/api/v3/\(endpoint)"
        urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems
        return urlComponents


Converting from a HTTPRequest to a URLRequest may throw an Error. One example might be: the URL path component is invalid. It's also very possible for a request to fail while building it, for example, failed to create JSON request body due to an encoding error.

The Strava API is just an example here, you can define your API endpoints however you want! It's the conformance to the HTTPRequestable that's important.

The framework is meant to be lightweight, it's essentially a higher layer of abstraction on top of Alamofire.


The (dependent) frameworks for HTTPRequest are installed via Carthage as xcframeworks. Simply run ./install.sh to run the project locally.


StravaAPI is an example project which hits the Strava API using HTTPRequest. As this API is authenticated, the setup requires providing a TokenRefresh.json file with the properties needed to fetch an authentication token. You can find these details by:

  • Logging in to Strava
  • Go to "Settings"
  • Click on "My API Application"

The JSON should look like so:

  "client_id": 123456789,
  "refresh_token": "{yourRefreshToken}",
  "client_secret": "{yourClientSecret}",
  "grant_type": "refresh_token"

Note the grant_type is a fixed value here, the other properties will need updating. Add this JSON into a directory named StravaToken in the PROJECT_DIR (where the .xcodeproj file is located). The JSON file path should be: ${PROJECT_DIR}/StravaToken/TokenRefresh.json. Note, this directory is ignored by git.

As the Strava API authenticates using an OAuth flow, the first launch will require granting permission in a browser and and initializing with the code returned on success. Then you are ready to go!