
Reddit style forum-as-a-service written with .NET Core.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Boards API License: MIT

A Reddit style forum engine written with .NET Core.

Quick Setup

git clone https://github.com/m0wo/boards-api.git
cd boards-api/Boards.API
dotnet run

Project Details


Boards API is a relatively simple implementation of a message board system. Users can register an account, log in/expire sessions, and create various forum entities (Board, Post, Reply).

The aim of the project is to develop a backend which I can extend and add new features to over time. The project will follow best practice when it comes to clean code.

Elements of domain-driven design are used for the project architecture. For instance, a service layer is used, alongside repositories and a unit of work. Within the API controllers, resource objects are used with AutoMapper for data transfer.

Tooling Used

  • .NET Core 2.2
  • EF Core
  • AutoMapper
  • SQLite


The API uses JWT for account management. Any requests to secured routes must be made with a Bearer token in the authorization header.

API Usage

A list of endpoints for the API can be found here.

Folder Structure

        Controllers/                # Controller classes
        Domain/                     # Domain area
                Models/             # Domain models
                Repositories/       # Repository interfaces
                Security/           # Security interfaces/domain models
                Services/           # Service interfaces
                    Communication/  # Service response models
                Extensions/         # Extension methods
                Mapping/            # AutoMapper profiles
                Persistence/        # Database
                    Contexts/       # EF Core DB contexts
                    Repositories/   # Repository classes
                Resources/          # DTOs for Web API
                Security/           # Security classes
                    Hashing/        # Hashing / checking tokens
                    Tokens/         # Token config / handlers
                Services/           # Service classes
        Services/                   # Service Tests


  • Write more tests.
  • Move refresh tokens out of in-memory storage to a db table or Redis.
  • Move JWT auth configs to User Secrets.
  • Various edits to better conform to JSON API spec.
  • Pagination / Filtering queries on list actions.
  • Improve routing.
  • URL slugs for titles containing spaces.
  • Use board name as a primary key?
  • Add user account roles.
  • Be more n-tier (Split into class libs?).
  • Base classes should be more generic.


Please feel free to fork, comment, critique, or submit a pull request.



This project is open source and available under the MIT License.