
A fork of Fenneldoc

Primary LanguageFennelMIT LicenseMIT


Generate documentation for your Fennel project.



For your.fnl:

;;;; Your module description.

(fn hello []
  "Say hello."
  (print :hello))

(fn good-bye []
  "Say good bye. See also `hello'."
  (print :good-bye))

{: hello : good-bye}

Run fnldoc your.fnl, and you'll get doc/your.md:

# Your.fnl

Your module description.

**Table of contents**

- Function: [good-bye](#function-good-bye)
- Function: [hello](#function-hello)

## Function: good-bye


Say good bye. See also [`hello`](#function-hello).

## Function: hello


Say hello.

<!-- Generated with Fnldoc 1.1.0-dev
     https://sr.ht/~m15a/fnldoc/ -->


Fnldoc is a fork of now archived Fenneldoc, with some bug fixes and new features. It automatically generates Markdown documentation from Fennel source code. It searches for function metadata and documentation comments in source code, and then formats these pieces of information into API documentation. In addition, it can test Fennel code inside Markdown fences in function docstring (a.k.a. doctest).


  • Generate Markdown documentation for Fennel code by analyzing metadata such as docstring and module-level comments beginning with ;;;; .
  • Easy internal linking: `text' enclosed by backtick and single quote is turned into internal hyperlink.
  • Show function type (function or macro) and signature in documentation.
  • Run tests embedded in function docstring (a.k.a. doctest).
  • Granular customizability for documentation contents.

Bold texts are major enhancements contributed by this fork. Take a look at CHANGELOG.md to find fixed bugs and minor enhancements.


To build and install Fnldoc, you need the following dependencies.

Clone this repository and run make install:

$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~m15a/fnldoc
$ cd fnldoc

Alternative ways for installation:


Run Fnldoc

fnldoc [OPTIONS] [FILE]...

Markdown documentation will be generated in ./doc directory (default).

Write documentation

Fnldoc generates documentation from three sources of information:

  1. Runtime information: each function/macro's metadata (e.g., docstring) and module structure
  2. Module top-level comments: documentation for each module file
  3. Configuration file: project information such as copyright

For writing documentation in source 1, see the following four sections, Function docstring, Macro dosctring, Keep function or macro private, and Specifying order of contents. For source 2, see Module top-level comments. For source 3, see Copyright, license, and version. Finally, to generate internal links in documentation, see Inline reference.


For source 1, Fnldoc runs your code by executing fennel.dofile, and collects runtime information such as metadata and exported functions. It does so in a restricted environment called sandbox, so if your program has any side effects reachable during file loading, you will get an error. Use --no-sandbox flag in command line or :sandbox option in configuration file to override this behavior (see Configuration).

Function docstring

Write docstring as usual, then Fnldoc generates description for the function (or macro) accordingly. For example,

(fn your-function [...]
  "`your-function`'s docstring."
  (print ...))

{: your-function}

The above function will get its section in documentation:

## Function: your-function

(your-function ...)

`your-function`'s docstring.

If you write Markdown code fence inside docstring, it can be validated by Fnldoc. See Test documentation for more details.

Macro docstring

Macros defined in a macro module, which may be imported by import-macros, are automatically shown as macros in documentation:

## Macro: your-macro

(your-macro ...)

`your-macro`'s docstring.

If this does not suffice, you can explicitly annotate macros using Fnldoc's metadata field :fnldoc/type:

(fn your-macro [...]
  "`your-macro`'s docstring."
  {:fnldoc/type :macro}
  `(print ...))

{: your-macro}

As well as function docstring, Markdown code fence inside macro docstring can also be validated. See Test documentation for more details.

Keep function or macro private

To generate documentation, Fnldoc searches for metadata inside code recursively, meaning that functions or macros contained in any table exposed in a module will be documented. However, sometimes you may not want a function or macro to be documented. To prevent them from being documented, you can specify metadata field :fnldoc/type as :private. For example,

(local exposed-table {})

(fn exposed-table.private-function [...]
  {:fnldoc/type :private}
  (do :something))

{: exposed-table}
Specifying order of contents

Fnldoc supports specifying order of items by passing a sequential table of item names to :order option. For example, suppose we have a module with two functions:

(fn first-function [...]
  (do :first-thing))

(fn another-function [...]
  (do :another-thing))

{: first-function : another-function}

Fnldoc sorts the table alphabetically by default, thus the order of the documentation will be another-function followed by first-function. You can override this behavior for the file in .fenneldoc by specifying the file's :order option in the :modules-info table:

 {"path/to/the/file.fnl" {:order [:first-function

In addition, you can specify :order option as either :reverse-alphabetic, or a custom comparator function. The latter will be passed to Lua's table.sort function as its third argument.

You can also set this in command line via --order flag (see Configuration). Note that you can't pass sorting function or table via command-line argument; only alphabetic or reverse-alphabetic.

Module top-level comments

Fnldoc collects runtime information for generating documentation. Meanwhile, it reads Fennel code as text file and searches for module top-level comment lines beginning with four semicolons, ;;;; , which will be inserted to documentation as module-wide description. For example, the following module file

;;;; Your module.

;;;; A line.
;; This is usual comment.
;;;; Another line.

(fn fun []
  (do :something))

;;;; Here will be ignored as it's apart from the above top-level lines.

{: fun}

will get its Markdown documentation:

# Your-module.fnl

Your module.

A line.

Another line.

**Table of contents**

- Function: [fun](#function-fun)

## Function: fun




Unlike function or macro docstring, Markdown code fences inside module top-level comments will not be validated for now.

Copyright, license, and version

You can add a footer section containing author name, copyright, and license information via configuration (see Configuration). You can also specify project version or module version in configuration. The specified version will be inserted into Markdown level-1 heading at the top of documentation file.

Configuration may be project-wide,

{:project-copyright "Copyright (C) 20XX Your Name"
 :project-version "1.x.x"
 :project-license "[YOUR_LICENSE](link to your license file/URL)"}}}

or module-wide

  {:copyright "Copyright (C) 20XX Your Name"
   :version "1.x.x"
   :license "[YOUR_LICENSE](link to your license file/URL)"}}}
Inline reference

Fnldoc supports inline reference (i.e., internal link) by Fnldoc's special syntax: any text surrounded by a backtick (`) and a single quote (') will be converted to an internal link if the text refers to any exported function or macro name. If any appropriate heading to be referenced is not found, it falls back to plain `code`.

For example, function bar in the following module has an inline reference to function foo.

(fn foo [...]
  (print ...))

(fn bar [...]
  "See `foo'."
  (foo ...))

{: foo : bar}

Fnldoc generates an internal link to foo as follows.

**Table of contents**

- Function: [bar](#function-bar)
- Function: [foo](#function-foo)

## Function: bar

(bar ...)

See [`foo`](#function-foo).

## Function: foo

(foo ...)


Whether to replace inline references with links can be customized by :mode option (see Configuration).

Test documentation

Fnldoc understands Markdown code fences with fennel annotation as test code to be validated, and run these tests unless the code fences also have :skip-test annotation. For example, suppose we made a change in function but forgot to update the docstring:

(fn sum [a b]
  "Sums three arguments.

# Examples

``` fennel
(assert (= (sum 1 2 3) 6))
  (+ a b))

{: sum}

This function claims that it sums three arguments, however the actual body only sums two. If we run fnldoc --mode check sum.fnl, we'll get the following:

$ fnldoc --mode check sum.fnl
fnldoc [WARNING]: in file 'sum.fnl' function 'sum' has undocumented argument 'a'
fnldoc [WARNING]: in file 'sum.fnl' function 'sum' has undocumented argument 'b'
fnldoc [ERROR]: In file: 'sum.fnl'
Error in docstring for: 'sum'
In test:
``` fennel
(assert (= (sum 1 2 3) 6))
assertion failed!

fnldoc [ERROR]: errors in file 'sum.fnl'

On the other hand with :skip-test annotation,

(fn sum [a b]
  "Sums three arguments.

# Examples

``` fennel :skip-test
(assert (= (sum 1 2 3) 6))
  (+ a b))

{: sum}

the failing test will be skipped:

$ fnldoc --mode check sum.fnl
fnldoc [WARNING]: in file 'sum.fnl' function 'sum' has undocumented argument 'a'
fnldoc [WARNING]: in file 'sum.fnl' function 'sum' has undocumented argument 'b'
fnldoc [INFO]: skipping test in 'sum'

By the way, did you notice that Fnldoc warned when finding undocumented arguments?

fnldoc [WARNING]: in file 'sum.fnl' function 'sum' has undocumented argument 'a'
Test requirements

In most cases Fnldoc is smart enough, and can require your module's exported functions automatically. However, if this doesn't work, you can specify how dependencies should be required in .fenneldoc configuration. Macro modules are such cases, and you'll have to teach Fnldoc a proper require for your macro modules. For example,

 {:path/to/macros.fnl "(import-macros {: a-macro} :path.to.macros)"}}


Run fnldoc --help and you'll find configuration options that can be customized by command line flags. If you like to configure options permanently, write out your configuration in .fenneldoc file. Fnldoc looks for .fenneldoc in your current directory and set options accordingly.

.fenneldoc should return a table of option settings. It looks like so:

{:out-dir "./doc"
 :src-dir "./lib"
 :mode :doc
 :toc? false
 :function-signatures? true
 :inline-references :code
 :order "alphabetic"
 {"lib/module.fnl" {:order :reverse-alphabetic}}
 {"lib/module.fnl" "(import-macros {: great-macro} :your-macros)"}
 :project-copyright "YOUR NAME"
 :project-license "LICENSE"
 :project-version "VERSION"
 :sandbox? false}

You can generate .fenneldoc filled with defaults by invoking fnldoc --config. If you want to generate a fresh .fenneldoc, remove old .fenneldoc and run fnldoc --config again. If you want to override configuration options in .fenneldoc, pass flags to fnldoc like this:

$ fnldoc --no-toc --no-function-signatures --config

This will disable table of contents and function signatures in generated .fenneldoc.

A full description of configuration options can be found in doc/fnldoc/config.md.


Report issues or feature requests on the project's issue tracker or alternatively on GitHub issues. Send a patch to the project's mailing list or create a pull request on GitHub. All contributions are welcome and highly appreciated.


Copyright (c) 2020 Andrey Orst, 2024 NACAMURA Mitsuhiro. Unless otherwise stated, this software is distributed under the MIT license.

test/faith.fnl is copyright (c) 2009-2024 Scott Vokes, Phil Hagelberg, and contributors, distributed under the MIT license. See the license paragraphs at the beginning of the file.