
A C# wrapper for the JavaScript amCharts library

Primary LanguageC#


A C# wrapper for the JavaScript amCharts library - https://www.amcharts.com/

This is work in progress and only has classes which I have required to date. Feel free to add/fix things which I have missed. I still have to add other charts to the wrapper as currently it supports Maps only.

TIP: If you wish to make use of a variable such as an SVG element already created in the page you can supply it surrounded by double curly braces eg: {{targetSVG}} and it will be rendered in json without quotes.

The library is not distributed with this project. Please visit their website to obtain the latest version.

##Basic usage


In your Model create a property of type AmMap.

public AmMap Map { get; set; }


Ensure you have the required amchart javascript libraries included as if you were manually writing the code.

Ensure you have an html element in place where the chart should be rendered.

<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 800px;"></div>

Include the javascript code to draw the chart.

    $(function() {
        var map = AmCharts.makeChart("map", 
            @Html.Raw(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.Map, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(), NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }))


model.Map = new AmMap
    BackgroundZoomsToTop = true,
    LinesAboveImages = true,
    AreasSettings = new AreasSettings
        UnlistedAreasAlpha = 0.1,
        UnlistedAreasColor = "#000000"
    DataProvider = new MapData
        Map = "worldLow",
        ZoomLevel = 3.5,
        ZoomLatitude = 49.1712,
        ZoomLongitude = -20.1341,
        Images = new List<MapImage>
            new MapImage
                Id = "germany",
                Title = "Germany",
                Latitude = 51,
                Longitude = 9,
                SvgPath = "{{targetSVG}}",
                Scale = 1
    ImagesSettings = new ImagesSettings
        Color = "#CC0000",
        RollOverColor = "#CC0000",
        SelectedColor = "#000000"
    LinesSettings = new LinesSettings
        Arc = -0.7, // this makes lines curved. Use value from -1 to 1
        Arrow = ArrowPosition.Middle,
        Color = "#CC0000",
        Alpha = 0.4,
        ArrowAlpha = 1,
        ArrowSize = 4
    ZoomControl = new ZoomControl
        GridHeight = 100,
        DraggerAlpha = 1,
        GridAlpha = 0.2