Cyberpunk 2077 stream, decoded

On 2018-08-27, CD Projekt RED streamed base64-encoded text on their twitch channel.

This repo contains code used to decode the stream.

The entire process

The file contains commands used to decode the stream.

# 1) Downloading the stream using youtube-dl:
youtube-dl.exe -o full_stream.mp4`

# 2) Converting the stream to images:
ffmpeg -i full_stream.mp4 -vf fps=1/10 shots/%04d.png

# 3) Building the dumb OCR program:
cargo build --release --manifest-path dec/Cargo.toml

# 4) Running OCR on images:
dec/target/release/dec > cyberpunk2077-raw.b64

# 5) Running deduplication/error correction:

# 6) Finally, decoding base64:
base64 -id < cyberpunk2077-decoded.png.b64 > cyberpunk2077-decoded.png

OCR Process (step 4)

The source code is in dec/src/

The process used for OCR is very dumb:

  1. Hand-craft an alphabet of images, see alphabet.png
  2. Obtain characters from the source image using a hardcoded grid (lines 37..40)
  3. Find which character from the alphabet has the smallest difference with current character (lines 51..61)


The source code is in ConsoleApplication69/ConsoleApplication69/Program.cs

  1. Throw away duplicate files
  2. Mark rows that appear at least twice as "legit"
  3. Start outputting rows
  4. If encountered end of current file, or "illegit" row, find a copy the last "legit row", which is followed by a "legit" row, goto step 3.
  5. Hacks