
📱 Basic tutorials for Appcelerator Titanium. Create your first mobile app from start to finish!

From zero to app

For more tutorials, links, modules and more visit: fromzerotoapp.com.

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From zero to app is a series of basic tutorials for Axway Appcelerator to create your first mobile app for Android and iOS using the power of JavaScript. You just need some basic JavaScript knowledge and a Linux, Windows or Mac (for iOS development). The tutorials will guide you from zero to your first app!


visit https://fromzerotoapp.com/tutorials/ for more tutorials.

External Tutorials


At the time this tutorial was written the current version of the needed tools are:

Tool Version
OpenJDK 11
NodeJS v16.14.0
Titanium SDK 10.1.1.GA
Titanium CLI 5.4.1
Alloy 1.17.4

It will be updated and tested with future version. If you find anything that is not working anymore please file an issue.


If you have any question or comments feel free to add an issue or contact me (twitter, mail, Ti-Slack).
