Periodic Table Speller

Netlify Status

This project was created using bun init in bun v1.0.3. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.

This workshop project explores the algorithmic complexities (speed and memory) of checking if an input word can be "spelled" (case-insensitive) by a sequence of the chemical symbol abbreviations from the standard periodic table.

Periodic Table

For example, the word "accept" can be spelled with Ac (Actinium) + Ce (Cerium) + Pt (Platinum).

The goal of this tool is to check if an input word can be "spelled" with the periodic table symbols, and then to show that sequence of element symbols.


This workshop problem is similar to/inspired by ChemSpeller.

The JSON file holding periodic table elements was adapted from:

Workshop Resources

This repository is part of my "Thinking & Coding Algorithms" workshop, which has been presented at a number of public JS/web conferences, as well as for private corporate training engagements. In addition, it is included in my Frontend Masters course on algorithms and data structures.

Please note that as this material evolves/improves over time, there may be changes to the branch names (e.g., "Option-1", "Option-2b", etc) to make room for these changes while preserving (as much as possible) the repository state as presented in various different workshops. When that current state appears to have diverged, please consult the git commit history to access older versions of files/resources.
