
Web interface for XPPAUT

Primary LanguagePHP


Demo: xpp.baumgartner.io


Full guide is available in the thesis ("Technical details" chapter).
XppWeb is built on Laravel framework - documentation for version 5.2 is available here.


  • PHP 5.5.9 and higher
  • MySQL, PosgreSQL, MSSQL or SQLite database

Using SQLite DB

  1. Use touch database.sqlite to create a SQLite database
  2. Specify the following config in .env file

Compiling XPPAUT binaries

  • Ubuntu and Mac OS X binaries are compiled in the root directory of this repository.
  • Download the source code for the latest version from Prof. Bard Ermentrout's website and compile for your operating system using make command (read the provided instuctions).
  • Enter the path to the binary under xpp_path key in XPPWeb's config