OpenVSLAM-Community Ubuntu Package

Test Status

This project builds OpenVSLAM-Community using GitHub Actions so that users can download and install it as a .deb package. The package currently supports Ubuntu 20.04 (x86_64). We'd really appreciate a contribution that adds ARM support.


  1. Download .deb file from Here -> Top item in the list (click on its title) -> Artifacts (bottom of the page)

    Sorry, GitHub doesn't provide a static URL for latest build artifacts.

  2. Install it using sudo apt install ./openvslam-ubuntu-package.deb (Note the leading ./)


The example binaries are prepended with openvslam-. So the tutorial command to run a video SLAM becomes:

openvslam-run_video_slam -v orb_vocab.fbow -m ./aist_living_lab_1/video.mp4 -c example/aist/equirectangular.yaml --frame-skip 3 --no-sleep --map-db map.msg

To build and link code that depends on OpenVSLAM, make sure you use cmake argument -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/openvslam-community. For example, to build openvslam_ros:

git clone --branch ros2 --depth 1
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/openvslam-community -DUSE_PANGOLIN_VIEWER=ON

Other Notes

OpenVSLAM is built with FBoW variant and Pangolin Viewer on.


Contribution is welcome. See issues on GitHub for some good first-timer suggestions.


This work is based on this gist from Ho Kim.