FOI Regression after running Catalytic Model

Primary LanguageR



This project (FOI Regression OUCRU) is about using a simple regression algorithm to estimate FOI at regions where we do not have age-stratified cases data. Regarding the regions we have data, we perform Catalytic model to find the FOI distribution at these regions, then use them as training data to estimate FOI. The project is in R programming language.

The main workflow is as followed (Step 1, 2, 3 is for training and evaluating the model, Step 4, 5 is for applying trained model to the given dataset):

  1. Summary feature for each Study region (Study region is a region where we have age-stratified case data and run Catalytic Model to estimate FOI for that region). Since the dataframe Imputed_Features_Study.Rds is at pixel-level, we need to aggregate it into region-level. The Feature of a region will be a summary (sum, mean, ...) of Feature of all pixels belong to that Study region. (Go to Step 1)

  2. Assign new FOI data to the Summaried Feature dataframe. Infact, since Quan produced new FOI estimation from Catalytic Model and also removed some regions, hence we need to perform this step to match new FOI estimation and find out which regions were removed (Quan has changed the names of regions also).(Go to Step 2)

  3. Run the regression on the Summarized Feature with new FOI dataframe. We also divided into 3 subset: Train - Validate - Test subsets. Note that if the result of the regression is negative, we will make it to 0. (Go to Step 3)

  4. Summary feature for the region of interest which are might be any specific country where you do not have age-stratified case data and you want to predict FOI at. For example: you want to apply trained model in order to predict FOI at PRK (North Korea), you need to use this step to summarize feature at this country first. Then you can run Step 5 to predict the FOI. (Go to Step 4)

  5. Apply trained model to predict FOI for the region of interest which is obtained after Step 4. This step is to predict FOI by using trained model to the summarized feature data from Step 4. (Go to Step 5)

Special Note: To create a vector map that illstrate the predicted FOI at endemic countries, you can use the the function Generate_Cases_Map_Country.R from Part 2 of JERFOUCRU project


Need to install rgdal, rgeos, sp, ggplot2, gridExtra
Optional: neuralnet

Core Functions

Step 1: Summary feature for Study Regions

Since the idea of this regression is to run regression at entire catchment (Study) area level, we need to find features for each study region. We can use the Imputed_Features_Study.Rds dataframe from Step 4 of JERFOUCRU project. Because the dataframe is at pixel level, we need to aggregate it to get the feature values at study region level. Some basic methods are applied. For instance Population feature, we take the sum of all values in pixels that are inside a study region to get the total population of that region and make it become one feature for the study region. We also applied Mean, or majority vote for other features. The output will be generated in Generate/ folder.


  • Imputed_Features_Study.Rds and Coordinates_Index_Study.Rds from JERFOUCRU project to know which pixels belong to which Studies.
  • India and Nepal SHP file: since 2 countries have complicated overlay issues, we need their geographical shapefiles to solve
  • FOI shapefile: to get the FOI data for Taiwan and Nepal. Original FOI data has 53 studies, but 2 of them (Taiwan and Nepal) are totally overlaied. Therefore the dataframe only consisted of 51 studies. But for this study-level regression, we also need these 2 countries.


  • DataRegression.Rds: The summarized features at each study.


  • Summary_Feature_Regions: Run to create the summarized Study Feature dataframe.

Step 2: Assign new FOI data

Because of the new FOI estimation issue, the regions' names of Random Forest data are now different to the new estimation (although they are the same studies). Besides, Quan also removed some regions (Seoul, China, Chitwan, 7.up.dist.assam). This step include 2 parts: firstly the script will find the regions appearing in both old and new data, then it assign new FOI estimation to these regions and to the summarized study feature dataframe DataRegression.Rds. The output will be generated in Generate/ folder.


  • DataRegression.Rds: Summarized study feature dataframe created from Step 1
  • FOI shapefile: old FOI estimation
  • shapefiles_FOI_data_merged_region.rds: New FOI estimation (stored in Data/ folder)


  • match_region_foi_dist.Rds: result of the 1st part. It is a dataframe with 3 columns: Regions (new data but in the old names), FOI_dist (new FOI distribution estimation), FOI_mean (mean of FOI_dist)
  • DataRegression_NewFOI.Rds: result of the 2nd part. Matched New FOI estimation with Summarized Study Feature dataframe. We will use this to run the regression in Step 3.


  • Match_Old_New_FOI_Data_Region: run this script to match the regions in both old and new estimation and match new FOI to the summarized study feature dataframe.

Step 3: Run the regression

The data is now ready. We can run the linear regression to train the model. This step will standardize the data first, then run apply linear regression. Standardization is proven to help to obtain better result. The script also provide 2 other options: logistic regression and neural networks. The output will be generated in Generate/ folder.


  • DataRegression_NewFOI.Rds: The dataframe including features and FOI values for the model (train-validate-test)
  • match_region_foi_dist.Rds: the dataframe including name of regions (new data but in the old names) and FOI distribution. We only use this dataframe for visualizing (ploting the comparison between the result of regression and the data)


  • Model_Linear_Regression.Rds: the training linear regression model
  • Parameter_Model.Rds: the parameters of standardization. This dataframe include 2 columns: means and standard of deviation of each feature.
  • FOI_Regression_[Regions].png: figures illustrating the predicted FOI and the training/validating FOI values.


  • Run_Regression: Perform the regression, calculate the R-square, and plot the result compared with the FOI data used for train/validate.

Step 4: Summary feature for Given Regions

Before you want to apply trained model to any other regions which are not Study regions, you need to extract summarized feature at that region firstly. This step will find which pixels in the Imputed_Features_Study.Rds that are inside the given region. Then it will summarize features of these pixels (similar to Step 1)


  • Imputed_Features_Study.Rds and Coordinates_Index_Study.Rds from JERFOUCRU project to know which pixels belong to which Studies.
  • Shapefile of given region. This shapefile can be the normal SHP file or the spatialpolygondataframe in Rds format. These files need to be stored in Data/Shapefile_Country/ folder. You can download these files for every country on GADM website. In the following figure, you can choose to download either Shapfile (heavier file size but can use on QGIS) or R(sp) level-0 (light size and only use in R, level 0 is country level, level 1 is city level, ...).

GADM Download Screenshot


  • Feature_[Region].Rds will be generated in Generate/ folder. This dataframe is 1 row x number-of-features columns (without FOI column)


  • Summary_Feature_Given_Shapefile: Perform the extract summarized feature for given region.

Step 5: Apply trained model to predict FOI for the Given Regions

After running Step 4 you will obtain the feature of the region of interest. Step 5 will help you to apply trained regression model from Step 3 to these features in order to predict FOI. This script will use the Parameter_Model.Rds to standardize the feature first, then run the prediction step.


  • Model_Linear_Regression.Rds, Parameter_Model.Rds: trained model and standardization parameters from Step 3
  • Feature_[Region].Rds: Summarized feature found from Step 4


  • There is no ouput, only print the predicted FOI values on the screen through the variable named prediction


  • Run_Regression_For_Given_Data