
Grunt task that help generate template files (angular, nodejs, backbone, java...)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Grunt task that help generate template files (angular, nodejs, backbone, java...)


This project has a dependencie that require Grunt to be installed. For help to install Grunt, go to:


Table of Contents


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

npm install grunt-template-generator

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of code:



        generate: {
            options: {
                showPrompt: true,
                includeTest: true,
                wrapInFolder: true,
                templatePathRoot: "modules",
                dest: {
                    // The destination where the files will be stored. 
                    'common': 'modules/common/app/components',
                    'signup': 'modules/signup/app/components',
                    'reporting': 'modules/reporting/app/components',
                    'payments': 'modules/payments/app/components',
                    'backend': '../../src/main/java/com/api/resources/v1'
                acronyms: {
                    // Acronyms are used to prefix a component name
                    'common': 'cn',
                    'signup': 'su',
                    'reporting': 'rp',
                    'payments': 'pm'


grunt generate:module:component:name


Scaffold Type Usage
showPrompt boolean Show a prompt confirmation message before creating files. Default set to true.
includeTest boolean Will generate unit test. Defaut set to true.
wrapInFolder boolean The generated files will wrap inside a folder. Default set to true.
templatePathRoot string Set file template path root. e.g (modules/reporting/components/app), the path should start from reporting/..
dest object The destination where the files will be stored.
acronyms object Acronyms are used to prefix a component name [ac]Name e.g (rpTimeLine) where rp stand for reporting.
customTemplatesUrl object Specify the directory for custom templates


The grunt task, comes with some predefined templates such as angular directives, etc ... But you can also custom your own templates using the customTemplatesUrl option.

Meta data

The meta data helps customize your templates, here are some options:

Name Description
name The fullname including the componentName and the componentType. E.g (productDirective)
componentName The component name. E.g (product)
componentType The component type. E.g (directive)
nameWithAcronym The fullname including the acronym is speficied. E.g (rpProductDirective)
dasherizedName The fullname seperated with dashes. E.g "rpProductDirective" will become "rp-product-directive". Usefull for calling directives in angular for example.
acronym If specified will return the acronym otherwise this will be empty
templatePathRoot The absolute path of the file


For the example, lets use the following custom template for an angular directive:

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name <%= meta.acronym %>Directives.directive:<%= meta.nameWithAcronym %>
 * @description
 * @restrict EA
 * @scope true
 * @requires
 * @param {object} options Configuration options for the directive

angular.module('<%= meta.acronym %>Directives').directive('<%= meta.nameWithAcronym %>', [function () {
  return {
    restrict: "EA",
    replace: true,
    scope: {
      options: '='
    templateUrl: "<%= meta.templatePathRoot %>/<%= meta.name %>.tpl.html",
    controller: function ($scope) {
       * Exposed for testing

       * Scope variables, functions

       * Private variables, functions

Now that we got our template defined lets run the grunt task:

grunt generate:common:directive:product

This will generate the following template:

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name cnDirectives.directive:cnProduct
 * @description
 * @restrict EA
 * @scope true
 * @requires
 * @param {object} options Configuration options for the directive

angular.module('cnDirectives').directive('cnProduct', [function () {
  return {
    restrict: "EA",
    replace: true,
    scope: {
      options: '='
    templateUrl: "common/productDirective/productDirective.tpl.html",
    controller: function ($scope) {
       * Exposed for testing

       * Scope variables, functions

       * Private variables, functions
