
A pure C# implementation of sproto.

Primary LanguageC#


A pure C# implementation of sproto. and using sprotodump compiler for C# language on your .sproto file to generate data access classes.


You write a Member.sproto file :

  .Person {
    name 0 : string
    id 1 : integer
    email 2 : string

    .PhoneNumber {
        number 0 : string
        type 1 : integer

    phone 3 : *PhoneNumber

.AddressBook {
    person 0 : *Person

Then you compile it with sprotodump, to produce code in C#.

$ lua sprotodump.lua
usage: lua sprotodump.lua [[<out_option> <out>] ...] <option> <sproto_file ...>

    -d               dump to speciffic dircetory
    -o               dump to speciffic file
    -p               set package name(only cSharp code use)

    -cs              dump to cSharp code file
    -spb             dump to binary spb  file
$ lua sprotodump.lua -cs Member.sproto  -o Member.cs

Then you use that code like this:

AddressBook address = new AddressBook ();
address.person = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Person> ();

Person person = new Person ();
person.name = "Alice";
person.id = 10000;

person.phone = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Person.PhoneNumber> ();
Person.PhoneNumber num1 = new Person.PhoneNumber ();
num1.number = "123456789";
num1.type = 1;
person.phone.Add (num1);

serialize and deserialize :

byte[] data = address.encode ();                  // encode to bytes

Sproto.SprotoStream stream = new SprotoStream (); // encode to stream

Sproto.SprotoPack spack = new Sproto.SprotoPack ();
byte[] pack_data = spack.pack (data);             // pack
byte[] unpack_data = spack.unpack(pack_data);     // unpack

AddressBook obj = new AddressBook(unpack_data);   // decode


the Test.sproto file:

Foobar 1 {
  request {
    what 0 : string
  response {
    ok 0 : boolean

dump to c# code:

public class Protocol : ProtocolBase {
  public static  Protocol Instance = new Protocol();
  static Protocol() {
    Protocol.SetProtocol<Foobar> (Foobar.Tag);
    Protocol.SetRequest<SprotoType.Foobar.request> (Foobar.Tag);
    Protocol.SetResponse<SprotoType.Foobar.response> (Foobar.Tag);


  public class Foobar {
    public const int Tag = 1;


Read TestCaseRpc.cs for detail.


in my i5-3470 @3.20GHz :

library encode 1M times decode 1M times
sproto-Csharp 2.84s 3.00s
sproto-Csharp(unpack) 1.36s 2.12s
protobuf-net 6.97s 8.09s

Use in Unity
