
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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AI-powered natural language end-to-end testing framework.



  • Natural language E2E testing framework
  • AI-powered test execution using Anthropic Claude API
  • Built on Playwright
  • GitHub integration with 2FA support
  • Email validation with Mailosaur

Using Shortest in your project

If helpful, here's a short video!


npm install -D @antiwork/shortest
# or
pnpm add -D @antiwork/shortest
# or
yarn add -D @antiwork/shortest

Add .shortest/ to your .gitignore (where Shortest stores screenshots of each test run):

echo ".shortest/" >> .gitignore

If you installed shortest without -g flag, you can run tests as follows:

npx shortest    # for npm
pnpm shortest   # for pnpm
yarn shortest   # for yarn

Quick start

  1. Determine your test entry and add your Anthropic API key in config file: shortest.config.ts
import type { ShortestConfig } from '@antiwork/shortest';

export default {
  headless: false,
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
  testDir: 'app/__tests__',
  anthropicKey: process.env.ANTHROPIC_API_KEY
} satisfies ShortestConfig;
  1. Write your test in your test directory: app/__tests__/login.test.ts
import { shortest } from '@antiwork/shortest'

shortest('Login to the app using email and password', { username: process.env.GITHUB_USERNAME, password: process.env.GITHUB_PASSWORD })

Using callback functions

You can also use callback functions to add additional assertions and other logic. AI will execute the callback function after the test execution in browser is completed.

import { shortest } from '@antiwork/shortest';
import { db } from '@/lib/db/drizzle';
import { users } from '@/lib/db/schema';
import { eq } from 'drizzle-orm';

shortest('Login to the app using username and password', {
  username: process.env.USERNAME,
  password: process.env.PASSWORD
}).after(async ({ page }) => {
  // Get current user's clerk ID from the page
  const clerkId = await page.evaluate(() => {
    return window.localStorage.getItem('clerk-user');

  if (!clerkId) {
    throw new Error('User not found in database');

  // Query the database
  const [user] = await db
    .where(eq(users.clerkId, clerkId))


Lifecycle hooks

You can use lifecycle hooks to run code before and after the test.

import { shortest } from '@antiwork/shortest';

shortest.beforeAll(async ({ page }) => {
  await clerkSetup({
    frontendApiUrl: process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_TEST_BASE_URL ?? "http://localhost:3000",

shortest.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
  await clerk.signIn({
    signInParams: {
      strategy: "email_code",
      identifier: "iffy+clerk_test@example.com"

shortest.afterEach(async ({ page }) => {
  await page.close();

shortest.afterAll(async ({ page }) => {
  await clerk.signOut({ page });

Running tests

pnpm shortest                   # Run all tests
pnpm shortest login.test.ts     # Run specific test
pnpm shortest --headless        # Run in headless mode using cli

You can find example tests in the examples directory.

GitHub 2FA login setup

Shortest currently supports login using Github 2FA. For GitHub authentication tests:

  1. Go to your repository settings
  2. Navigate to "Password and Authentication"
  3. Click on "Authenticator App"
  4. Select "Use your authenticator app"
  5. Click "Setup key" to obtain the OTP secret
  6. Add the OTP secret to your .env.local file or use the Shortest CLI to add it
  7. Enter the 2FA code displayed in your terminal into Github's Authenticator setup page to complete the process
shortest --github-code --secret=<OTP_SECRET>

Environment setup

Required in .env.local:

GITHUB_TOTP_SECRET=your_secret  # Only for GitHub auth tests

CI setup

You can run Shortest in your CI/CD pipeline by running tests in headless mode. Make sure to add your Anthropic API key to your CI/CD pipeline secrets.

Web app development

This guide will help you set up the Shortest web app for local development.


  • React >=19.0.0 (if using with Next.js 14+ or Server Actions)
  • Next.js >=14.0.0 (if using Server Components/Actions)


Using this package with React 18 in Next.js 14+ projects may cause type conflicts with Server Actions and useFormStatus

If you encounter type errors with form actions or React hooks, ensure you're using React 19

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/anti-work/shortest.git
    cd shortest
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install -g pnpm
    pnpm install

Environment setup

For Anti-Work team members

Pull Vercel env vars:

pnpm i -g vercel
vercel link
vercel env pull

For other contributors

  1. Run pnpm run setup to configure the environment variables.
  2. The setup wizard will ask you for information. Refer to "Services Configuration" section below for more details.

Set up the database

pnpm drizzle-kit generate
pnpm db:migrate
pnpm db:seed # creates stripe products, currently unused

Services configuration

You'll need to set up the following services for local development. If you're not a Anti-Work Vercel team member, you'll need to either run the setup wizard pnpm run setup or manually configure each of these services and add the corresponding environment variables to your .env.local file:

  1. Go to clerk.com and create a new app.
  2. Name it whatever you like and disable all login methods except GitHub. Clerk App Login
  3. Once created, copy the environment variables to your .env.local file. Clerk Env Variables
  4. In the Clerk dashboard, disable the "Require the same device and browser" setting to ensure tests with Mailosaur work properly.
Vercel Postgres
  1. Go to your dashboard at vercel.com.
  2. Navigate to the Storage tab and click the Create Database button. Vercel Create Database
  3. Choose Postgres from the Browse Storage menu. Neon Postgres
  4. Copy your environment variables from the Quickstart .env.local tab. Vercel Postgres .env.local
  1. Go to your dashboard at anthropic.com and grab your API Key.
    • Note: If you've never done this before, you will need to answer some questions and likely load your account with a balance. Not much is needed to test the app. Anthropic API Key
  1. Go to your Developers dashboard at stripe.com.
  2. Turn on Test mode.
  3. Go to the API Keys tab and copy your Secret key. Stripe Secret Key
  4. Go to the terminal of your project and type pnpm run stripe:webhooks. It will prompt you to login with a code then give you your STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET. Stripe Webhook Secret
GitHub OAuth
  1. Create a GitHub OAuth App:

    • Go to your GitHub account settings.
    • Navigate to Developer settings > OAuth Apps > New OAuth App.
    • Fill in the application details:
      • Application name: Choose any name for your app
      • Homepage URL: Set to http://localhost:3000 for local development
      • Authorization callback URL: Use the Clerk-provided callback URL (found in below image) Github OAuth App
  2. Configure Clerk with GitHub OAuth:

    • Go to your Clerk dashboard.
    • Navigate to Configure > SSO Connections > GitHub.
    • Select Use custom credentials
    • Enter your Client ID and Client Secret from the GitHub OAuth app you just created.
    • Add repo to the Scopes Clerk Custom Credentials
  1. Go to mailosaur.com and create an account.
  2. Create a new server and copy the Server ID.
  3. Go to your API settings and copy your API key.
    • You'll need both the Server ID and API key for your environment variables:
      • MAILOSAUR_API_KEY: Your API key
      • MAILOSAUR_SERVER_ID: Your server ID

Running locally

Run the development server:

pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the app in action.

Shortest CLI development

  1. Make changes to the package source code in packages/shortest/

  2. Test changes instantly during development (no build needed):

pnpm shortest:dev -h
  1. To test the actual built package:
pnpm build:pkg
pnpm shortest --help
  1. To test in another project:
# In Shortest package directory
cd packages/shortest
pnpm pack

# In your test project
npm install /path/to/antiwork-shortest-{version}.tgz.tgz
npx shortest -h