
AWS project to deploy a CDN for hosting static assets in private S3 buckets

MIT LicenseMIT

MIT licensed build status Launch Stack

A project that deploys a content delivery network (CDN) using AWS CloudFront for static assets hosted in a private S3 bucket.

This project creates the following resources:

  • AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate - *.<domain> SSL certificate
  • AWS::CloudFront::Distribution - [http|https]://<domain> distribution
  • AWS::CloudFront::Distribution - [http|https]://www.<domain> redirect distribution
  • AWS::CloudFront::CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity
  • AWS::Route53::RecordSet - <domain> IPv4 DNS entry
  • AWS::Route53::RecordSet - <domain> IPv6 DNS entry
  • AWS::Route53::RecordSet - www.<domain> IPv4 DNS entry
  • AWS::Route53::RecordSet - www.<domain> IPv6 DNS entry
  • AWS::S3::Bucket - private access log bucket
  • AWS::S3::Bucket - private static asset bucket
  • AWS::S3::Bucket - private bucket to redirect requests to https://<domain>
  • AWS::S3::BucketPolicy - only allow CloudFront to access static asset bucket
  • AWS::CloudFront::Function - CloudFront Function for single page applications to redirect requests to /index.html
  • AWS::CloudFront::Function - CloudFront Function to add various web security HTTP response headers


git clone https://github.com/smoketurner/sam-cdn.git
cd sam-cdn
npm install


npm run build
npm run deploy

You can upload your static assets into the S3 bucket and Route53 and CloudFront will take care of any redirections and content serving for you.
