
A package to analyze the correlations between structural distances and mass-spectrometry quantitative data of chemical-crosslinks obtained with SimXL

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


A package to analyze the correlations between structural distances and mass-spectrometry quantitative data of chemical-crosslinks obtained with SimXL. The structural properties are supposed to be computed from models (PDB files) using TopoLink.


julia> ] add https://github.com/m3g/XLStats.jl


The example files are available at the test/data directory.

Reading the data

julia> using XLStats

julia> links = read_all(xml_file="./data/hitsDetail.xls",
 Reading all data files... 
 Reading XML file ... 
 Reading XIC data... 
 Vector of Links with: 102 links.

The data of the links now stored in the links vector can be accessed using the indexes of the vector. The vector is sorted by the residue numbers:

julia> links[1]
  name: String "M1-K8"
  consistency: Bool false
  deuc: Float64 9.479
  dtop: Float64 19.066
  dmax: Float64 -1.0
  nspecies: Int64 3
  hasxic: Bool true
  scans: Array{XLStats.Scan}((18,))

And the links can also be retrieved by link name:

julia> links["M1-K8"]
  name: String "M1-K8"
  consistency: Bool false
  deuc: Float64 9.479
  dtop: Float64 19.066
  dmax: Float64 -1.0
  nspecies: Int64 3
  hasxic: Bool true
  scans: Array{XLStats.Scan}((18,))

The scan data then can be accessed for each of the scans of that link (18 in the example above):

julia> links["M1-K8"].scans[5]
  index: Int64 2056
  pep1: String ""
  pep2: String ""
  score1: Float64 2.794
  score2: Float64 1.71
  pos1: Int64 0
  pos2: Int64 0
  source_file: String ""
  mplush: Float64 2070.02048274822
  prec_charge: Int64 0
  matched_alpha: Int64 0
  matched_beta: Int64 0
  retention_time: Float64 0.0
  xic: Float64 1.1079529279e8

Available parameters

The goal is to probe correlations between the spectral parameters and the topological (surface-accessible) distances obtained with TopoLink. The Link structure contains the following fields:

field name Meaning type of value Example
name Name of link String "K17-K6"
consistency Consistency with the structure Bool false
deuc Euclidean distance Float64 16.696
dtop Topological distance Float64 18.218
dmax Maximum linker length Float64 17.000
nspecies Number of species of the XL Int 7
hasxic XIC data is available? Bool false
scans Scan data available Vector{Scan} See below

The scans field contains the data available for every scan of that link. It is a vector of instances of the Scan type, which contains the following fields:

field name Meaning type of value Example
index Index of this scan Int 12981
pep1 Peptide sequence String "VFWGMTDIGVWNSSSVDKLA"
pep2 Peptide sequence String "VKINAVDVFTLTPEGK"
score1 Primary score Float64 5.955
score2 Secondary score Float64 3.931
pos1 Position 1 Int 13
pos2 Position 1 Int 2
source_file Source file name of scan String "20151223_sample1.raw"
mplush Some of precursor and H masses Float64 4599.3431
prec_charge Precursor charge Int 5
matched_alpha Peaks matching alpha Int 31
matched_beta Peaks matching beta Int 10
retention_time Retention time Float64 49.716795
xic XIC value Float64 157034.76

Ploting correlations

For example, lets plot the correlation between the topological distance of each link and the maximum score1. There are helper functions (see below) for each of these scores:

julia> using Plots

julia> x = deuc(links);

julia> y = maxscore1(links);

julia> scatter(x,y,label="",xlabel="Euclidian distance",ylabel="Maximum score1")



Note that the functions deuc and maxscore1, in the example, return vectors of data extracted for every link in the links list. Similar functions exist for the other parameters, and are:

name, resnames, indexes, indomain, consistency, deuc, dtop, dmax, nscans, maxscore1, avgscore1, maxscore2, avgscore2, hasxic, maxxic, avgxic, nspecies, count_nspecies

Note: Not necessarily all that is availalble for every link. Some of these functions will return missing values, which are properly handled (not shown) by Plots. If the vectors of values without missing values are necessary, use, for example,

y = skipmissing(maxscore1(links))

Note 2: The consistency function is special. It returns true or false depending if the topological distance (dtop) of the XL is smaller than the maximum linker reach (dmax), up to a tolerance tol. By default tol=0, but the function accepts the tolerance as an argument. Thus, for example:

julia> x = consistency(links);

will return 1 for all links for which dtop < dmax. But

julia> x = consistency(links,tol=2.0)

will return 1 all links for which dtop < dmax + 2.0.

Filter links

The functions above allow filtering the links by any criteria, using the standard filter function. For example,

julia> bad_links = filter( link -> consistency(link,tol=2.0) == false, links )
 Vector of Links with: 84 links.

julia> large_deuc = filter( link -> deuc(link) > 10, links )
 Vector of Links with: 99 links.

In the data provided, not all links have score1 data. Thus, if one wants to filter the links by score1 threshold, first the links with data have be filtered:

julia> links_with_score1 = filter( link -> !ismissing(maxscore1(link)), links )
 Vector of Links with: 88 links.

Note the ! which negates the ismissing condition. This type of filter is important before any tentative to find correlations between two types of data. It only makes sense to correlate the values in the subsets of links which contain both type of data.

Then we can filter by maximum score:

julia>  large_score1 = filter( link -> maxscore1(link) > 5., links_with_score1)
 Vector of Links with: 7 links.

The resnames and indexes functions also allow filtering by residue types and indexes. Since the permutation between types are usually meaningless, the ismatch function is provided:

julia> resnames(links[2])
("ASP", "GLU")

julia> ismatch(resnames(links[2]),("ASP","GLU"))

julia> ismatch(resnames(links[2]),("GLU","ASP"))

julia> indexes(links[2])
(3, 111)

julia> ismatch(indexes(links[2]),(111,3))

julia> ismatch("D108-E143","E143-D108")

Thus this function can be used for proper filtering of links by type, for example:

julia> filter( link -> ismatch(resnames(link),("SER","LYS")), links )
 Vector of Links with: 21 links.

To filter the links by residue numbers, the indomain function is mostly useful:

julia> indexes(links[2])
(3, 111)

julia> indomain(links[2],1:131)

julia> indomain(links[2],1:100)

julia> mydomain = filter(link -> indomain(link,1:110), links)
 Vector of Links with: 61 links.

Remarks on XIC data

XIC data might not be available for every XL, or every scan of every XL. Scans without XIC data will show -1 at the XIC field. The links for which XIC data is available can be filtered with:

julia> links_with_xic = filter(link -> hasxic(link), links)
 Vector of Links with: 20 links.

and then it makes sense to use the avgxic and maxxic functions in this subset of data. Note that avgxic will compute the average value of XIC data disregarding any missing XIC, even if not every scan for the link has XIC data.

XIC data also spans many orders of magnitude. Thus, converting it a log10 scale is handy. This can be readily using the . (dot) syntax in Julia, for example:

julia> x = dtop(links_with_xic);

julia> y = log10.(maxxic(links_with_xic));

julia> scatter(x,y,label="",xlabel="Topological distance",ylabel="log₁₀(maxxic)")

(note the . after log10, which means that the function will be applied to every element of the array that follows). This produces:


Point-biserial correlation

When studying the consistency of a continuous variable with a discrete variable, an interesting parameter to be computed is the Point-Biserial correlation. For example:

julia> y = deuc(links);

julia> x = consistency(links);

julia> scatter(x,y,label="",xlabel="Consistency",ylabel="Euclidian Distance",xlims=[-0.5,1.5])

produces fig2 This shows a correlation between these two variables, but a standard Pearson correlation is not an adequate measure of that correlation. The point_biserial function computes one appropriate measure of this correlation:

julia> point_biserial(x,y)

Exporting data

To export data to be analyzed by other software use the DelimitedFiles package:

  • Install with
julia> ] add DelimitedFiles
  • For example, write a data file with
julia> using DelimitedFiles

julia> writedlm("mydata.txt",[x y])

where x and y could be obtained by the commands of the examples above.