
html emails and attachments to any smtp server with nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

emailjs (v0.3.6) Build Status

send emails, html and attachments (files, streams and strings) from node.js to any smtp server


npm install emailjs


  • works with SSL and TLS smtp servers (ex: gmail)
  • supports smtp authentication (PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAMMD5)
  • emails are queued and the queue is sent asynchronously
  • supports sending html emails and emails with multiple attachments (MIME)
  • attachments can be added as strings, streams or file paths
  • works with nodejs 3.8 and above


  • access to an SMTP Server (ex: gmail)

EXAMPLE USAGE - text only emails

var email 	= require("./path/to/emailjs/email");
var server 	= email.server.connect({
   user:    "username", 
   host:    "smtp.gmail.com", 
   ssl:     true

// send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent
   text:    "i hope this works", 
   from:    "you <username@gmail.com>", 
   to:      "someone <someone@gmail.com>, another <another@gmail.com>",
   cc:      "else <else@gmail.com>",
   subject: "testing emailjs"
}, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); });

EXAMPLE USAGE - html emails and attachments

var email 	= require("./path/to/emailjs/email");
var server 	= email.server.connect({
   user:	"username", 
   host:	"smtp.gmail.com", 
   ssl:		true

var message	= {
   text:	"i hope this works", 
   from:	"you <username@gmail.com>", 
   to:		"someone <someone@gmail.com>, another <another@gmail.com>",
   cc:		"else <else@gmail.com>",
   subject:	"testing emailjs",
      {data:"<html>i <i>hope</i> this works!</html>", alternative:true},
      {path:"path/to/file.zip", type:"application/zip", name:"renamed.zip"}

// send the message and get a callback with an error or details of the message that was sent
server.send(message, function(err, message) { console.log(err || message); });

// you can continue to send more messages with successive calls to 'server.send', 
// they will be queued on the same smtp connection

// or you can create a new server connection with 'email.server.connect' 
// to asynchronously send individual emails instead of a queue



// options is an object with the following keys
options =
	user 		// username for logging into smtp 
	password // password for logging into smtp
	host		// smtp host
	port		// smtp port (if null a standard port number will be used)
	ssl		// boolean or object {key, ca, cert} (if exists, ssl connection will be made)
	tls		// boolean (if true, starttls will be initiated)
	timeout	// max number of milliseconds to wait for smtp responses (defaults to 5000)
	domain	// domain to greet smtp with (defaults to os.hostname)

email.server.send(message, callback)

// message can be a smtp.Message (as returned by email.message.create)
// or an object identical to the first argument accepted by email.message.create

// callback will be executed with (err, message)
// either when message is sent or an error has occurred


// headers is an object ('from' and 'to' are required)
// returns a Message object

// you can actually pass more message headers than listed, the below are just the
// most common ones you would want to use

headers =
	text		// text of the email 
	from		// sender of the format (address or name <address> or "name" <address>)
	to			// recipients (same format as above), multiple recipients are separated by a comma
	cc			// carbon copied recipients (same format as above)
	bcc		// blind carbon copied recipients (same format as above)
	subject	// string subject of the email
  attachment // one attachment or array of attachments


// can be called multiple times, each adding a new attachment
// options is an object with the following possible keys:

options =
    // one of these fields is required
    path      // string to where the file is located
    data      // string of the data you want to attach
    stream    // binary stream that will provide attachment data (make sure it is in the paused state)
              // better performance for binary streams is achieved if buffer.length % (76*6) == 0
              // current max size of buffer must be no larger than Message.BUFFERSIZE
    // optionally these fields are also accepted
    type	      // string of the file mime type
    name        // name to give the file as perceived by the recipient
    alternative // if true, will be attached inline as an alternative (also defaults type='text/html')
    inline      // if true, will be attached inline
    encoded     // set this to true if the data is already base64 encoded, (avoid this if possible)
    headers     // object containing header=>value pairs for inclusion in this attachment's header
    related     // an array of attachments that you want to be related to the parent attachment




npm install -d
npm test


issues and pull requests are welcome