This is a dating web app project built using Ruby on Rails, React.js, & Azure Database for PostgreSQL. The app mimics how tinder works with a few modifications.
This project is part of & was developed during my 4-week internship at a company called ChatGenie, where I explored web development concepts using Ruby on Rails & PostgreSQL.
(Note: No confidential information or proprietary data is included in this repo. All materials in this project have been authorized for publication in the public domain.)
Ruby on Rails
Azure Database for PostgreSQL
1. Make sure that you have the following requirements:
- Ruby (v3.2.2) - the programming language used for the back-end of the app.
- Ruby on Rails (v7.0.4.3) - the web framework used for the back-end of the app.
- Bundler - manages Ruby gem dependencies within the app.
- Node.js (v20.11.0) - utilized for managing front-end dependencies (JavaScript, React) & running build tools such as the Webpacker.
- PostgreSQL (14) - the database used by the app.
- Azure Subscription - required for provisioning cloud resources, particularly Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
- Ubuntu WSL (CLI) - for running Linux commands.
- Azure Data Studio (Optional) - for convenient database management.
2. Clone this repository.
Run this command in your terminal:
git clone
(Optional: You can also Fork
this repository before cloning.)
3. Go to the repository's main directory.
Run this command in your terminal:
cd Dating_Web-App
4. Install back-end dependencies.
Run this command in your terminal:
bundle install
5. On the Azure portal, create a resource & an instance for Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Note: Make sure that you have an active Azure subscription.
(Refer to this link for more instructions.)
6. Go to "config/database.yml" & configure the database connection:
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
database: <name_of_database_on_azure>
host: <name_of_server_on_azure>
port: 5432
username: <your_username>
password: <your_password>
(Refer to this link for more instructions.)
7. For convenience, you can also use Azure Data Studio to manage the database. (Optional)
(Refer to this link to download & install Azure Data Studio.)
8. Run database migrations.
Run this command in your terminal:
rails db:migrate
9. Install client-side dependencies for React.
Run this command in your terminal:
npm install --prefix client
10. Start rails server.
Run this command in your terminal:
rails server
11. Start development server for React, to run the app.
Run this command in your terminal:
npm start --prefix client