
This is a dating web app project built using Ruby on Rails, React.js, & Azure Database for PostgreSQL. This app mimics how tinder works with a few modifications.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


🧐 I. Overview


This is a dating web app project built using Ruby on Rails, React.js, & Azure Database for PostgreSQL. The app mimics how tinder works with a few modifications.

This project is part of & was developed during my 4-week internship at a company called ChatGenie, where I explored web development concepts using Ruby on Rails & PostgreSQL.

(Note: No confidential information or proprietary data is included in this repo. All materials in this project have been authorized for publication in the public domain.)

⛓️ II. Features

✅ Create an account

Create an account

✅ Sign-in

Sign in

✅ Edit account profile/details

Edit account

✅ Edit sign-in credentials

Edit sign in

✅ Match users

Match Users

✅ View user profiles

View user

✅ Message/chat with users in real-time


💻 III. Tech Stack

  • Front-end: JavaScript React CSS

  • Back-end: Ruby Ruby on Rails Azure Database for PostgreSQL

🛠️ IV. Use this repository

1. Make sure that you have the following requirements:

  • Ruby (v3.2.2) - the programming language used for the back-end of the app.
  • Ruby on Rails (v7.0.4.3) - the web framework used for the back-end of the app.
  • Bundler - manages Ruby gem dependencies within the app.
  • Node.js (v20.11.0) - utilized for managing front-end dependencies (JavaScript, React) & running build tools such as the Webpacker.
  • PostgreSQL (14) - the database used by the app.
  • Azure Subscription - required for provisioning cloud resources, particularly Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
  • Ubuntu WSL (CLI) - for running Linux commands.
  • Azure Data Studio (Optional) - for convenient database management.

2. Clone this repository.

Run this command in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/m3mentomor1/Dating_Web-App.git

(Optional: You can also Fork this repository before cloning.)

3. Go to the repository's main directory.

Run this command in your terminal:

cd Dating_Web-App

4. Install back-end dependencies.

Run this command in your terminal:

bundle install

5. On the Azure portal, create a resource & an instance for Azure Database for PostgreSQL.


Note: Make sure that you have an active Azure subscription.

(Refer to this link for more instructions.)

6. Go to "config/database.yml" & configure the database connection:

default: &default
    adapter: postgresql
    database: <name_of_database_on_azure>
    host: <name_of_server_on_azure>.postgres.database.azure.com
    port: 5432
    username: <your_username>
    password: <your_password>

(Refer to this link for more instructions.)

7. For convenience, you can also use Azure Data Studio to manage the database. (Optional)


(Refer to this link to download & install Azure Data Studio.)

8. Run database migrations.

Run this command in your terminal:

rails db:migrate

9. Install client-side dependencies for React.

Run this command in your terminal:

npm install --prefix client

10. Start rails server.

Run this command in your terminal:

rails server

11. Start development server for React, to run the app.

Run this command in your terminal:

npm start --prefix client

📄 V. License

👉 Project License