uCVE is a tool written in GO that allows to extract CVE's related to a specific software and version, obtaining a report in HTML format with the result and/or exporting it to the pentesting report.
- 0A7V9A0a7v9a
- 1r0dm4804d34645231642e355034316e0a
- adrianruizdeveloper
- ajacobhackArgentina
- Anthares101@TelefonicaTC2Tech
- arthusu
- AzathothasNepal
- Barriuso
- ch3vy-1
- d4skor
- firebitsbrUniverse
- galaris
- geokhouryJerusalem, Palestine
- jotagarciazIncentro Spain
- Kaputt4
- marcosespinola
- mateofumisFreelancer
- mr-rizwan-syedMumbai
- mritunjaya1568
- Muhamohsen
- muhiminulhasanOneTouch Technologies Ltd
- Mx-virus
- nbsp-null
- pacopepe001
- rafaelcaria
- shockz-offsec
- shoox8
- siriil
- TcherB310dayLab
- th3g3ntl3m4n84jpfdevs cybersecurity
- TylersTech2020Tyler's Tech Service
- und3sc0n0c1d0
- Zaraxon