uDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web applications, and so on.
- ansezzTekency
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- Astrogeorgeonethree
- chuangshizhiqiang
- Cishanduwang
- clubmasterfu
- csabapalfi@palfi-ltd
- dartvader316
- f4ckpty
- FacuTassone
- flechablanca19Encripted_IA
- genmante
- harry1080
- hvvvva
- jasonfmorton5430'
- joaovarelas
- joselazovargasAustralia
- kfalconspbLas Vegas, NV
- khaledgedo
- l4mp14Sertão Technology
- lifa123china
- llopisga
- M57RomMorocco
- marciopocebon
- quent01
- r3dshell
- rbelliniCaxias do Sul, RS - Brazil
- renny00
- Suburbanno@OpenStreetMap Foundation
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- thisEdgarMarquez
- tilt41
- vishnummvBangalore
- xqd-ai
- xrkkBLCU