
A project based on FreeCodeCamp Youtube video called Learn Terraform and AWS by Building a Dev Environment

Video walkthrough Steps :

  1. Configure a "VPC" with CIDR range
  2. Configure a subnet to be used for the EC2 instance (use VPC ID)
  3. Create an Internet gateway
  4. Create a route table (Use VPC ID)
    • Use VPC ID
  5. Create a default route
    • Use Route Table ID
    • Use IGW ID
  6. Create an subnet association in Route Table
    • Use Subnet ID
    • Use Route Table ID
  7. Configure Security Group
    • Use VPC ID
    • configure ingress
    • configure egress
  8. Configured data type, to retrieve AMI information, reference.
    • via AMI Catalog, got AMI ID of the required image
    • via AMI, choose public image and paste the AMI ID and retieve owner ID
    • Used * at the end of values to get the latest realease
  9. Create a resource for key pair
    • generate keypair using `ssh-keygen ssh-keygen.exe -t ed25519
  10. Create Instance
    • Use AMI ID
    • Use created KeyPair
    • use Security Group
    • Use Subnet ID
  11. Create a script file to run iside instance and use user_data to use that file
  12. Create and SSH configuration and add user to your local SSH config
    • Create provisioner
    • created the variables that will be used in "windows-ssh-config"
    • added interpreter just in case

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