
ActiveCalendar is designed to treat calendars in the same manner that ActiveRecord treats normal records. This is designed first and foremost to be used with Google Calendar. This is just the same as the root plugin project - just packaged in engine form.

Primary LanguageRuby

ActiveCalendar Introduction

ActiveCalendar is designed to treat calendars in the same manner that ActiveRecord treats normal records. This is designed first and foremost to be used with Google Calendar.

This project is brand new and unusable right now. I will remove this when it’s ready for some sort of use in the very near future. At that point I’ll also update this with examples and so on.


Here is a list of people that I have either borrowed from or used as inspiration for this project:

  • zoriorz and his gcalapi project.
  • francisoud and his Googlecalendar project. This is the project that sparked me in to acting on ActiveCalendar.
  • maiha for the simple idea of making helpers for views to easily tap in to this kind of functionality with his tdiary project.
Copyright © 2009 Michael Christenson II ( michael@theurbanrebellion.com ), released under the MIT license