:unlock: Python tool and tutorial of how to decrypt the Forge of Empires Flash/SWF and generate request signatures
- blak3rAustin, TX
- bombcheckCity 17
- bradpoulton
- ceberous
- Daniel-HMBelgium
- diogofacin
- FalsenParakey AB
- Fogelucci
- franzalexGhana
- fxmozartFIX AND QUANT Programming
- GlavicSlovenia
- janenicholsonUnited Kingdom
- jsachnet
- kaf3in0
- Keirodev
- Kheryo
- kkkkong
- laocoder2014
- LuckyR
- m3talstormBristol, England
- nicelife90AllianceTI
- otomazeli
- paulie-g
- psychoz971@ipeos-and-co
- Regovboyvinnoso many
- rem38
- RobinHood70Ottawa, Canada
- rusconFTG
- sammeowwwHong Kong
- sclarke81UK
- TarlitonBrazil
- technerdchrisAtlanta GA
- themotu
- vibbrations
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