
restful api for covid19 data


restful api for covid19 data
API Base url : https://covid19apiss.herokuapp.com/

/ : prints "Covid19 status API version 1.0.0" and available endpoints
/reports : world wide report, includes country wise covid status
/reportsIndia: current status of India, extracted from /reports response.
/deaths: world wide death count for each day...can be used for graphing
/fatalityRateAge: probability of death rate for age groups. ie chance for an age group infected by covid to die.
/fatalityRateSex: probability of death rate for gender. ie chance for gender infected by covid to die.
/countryList: list of countries infected
/countryWiseData/country: country wise status for given country, country can be chosen from /countryList endpoint
/stateWiseData: status of all states in india
/stateWiseData/state: status of given state in india. state data is extracted from /stateWiseData