Rename you_need.env to .env and fill config constants
Build and start containers(need docker and docker-compose to be installed)
docker-compose up -d
- Apply migrations, create superuser to have access to django admin web interface, collect static(css/js)
docker exec -it tik2fa_app sh
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py createsuperuser
- Prepare router(need to automate this step):
- Make named access-lists
- Make and firewall rules for this lists
- Place up/down scripts for ppp profile
- Make specific user for this application
- Other security preparations
- Create and fill VPN accounts
There are several processes/hosts that communicate and interact together:
- Client
- Router
- Django web API(hiddden behind NGINX + gunicorn) that does almost all logic
- Telegram updates watcher — just triggers API when client confirmes connection in chat
- Backgroud celery task — just triggers API to check for unconfirmed timeouts
Client connects to VPN service
Connection triggers script that does:
- Moves source ip address of client to DENY_LIST(sandbox)
- Sends request to API /client/connect/ endpoint with payload that contains source ip, destination ip and chat id
- Backend makes:
- verification that client has not exceed unconfirmed connections limit
- sends "ban" command to router and client's ip moves to permanent ban list on router
- either creates new client or edits existed client instance
- sends confirmation button to client's chat
- Watcher listens(or watches(lol)) telegram updates and here are few scenarios:
- client clicks button and wathcer sends confirm request to API(move next step)
- client waits too long, button will be removed and client will be disconnected from router by background celery task, that triggers API's /client/timecheck/ endpoint and backend does all the work
- Backend checks if client is connected:
- If true — client is confirmed, backend triggers router to move client to PERMIT_LIST(allow)
- If disconnected — notifies about this fact in chat
- If router is unavailable — notifies about this too
- When client disconnects from router, script does:
- remove client's ip from PERMIT_LIST
- send request to API to change client's status
- tests