Unofficial implementation of "Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation with Latent Alignments"
- Built on AllenNLP (0.9.0)
- Dataset (En-Ja)
- A small parallel corpus for English-Japanese translation task provided by @odashi
- see detail at
- CTC model only
- Imputer model is under construction.
- The CTC model is inspired heavily by Libovicky and Helcl (2018)
- Jindrich Libovicky and Jindrich Helcl. 2018. End-toEnd Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation with Connectionist Temporal Classification. In EMNLP.
- Distillation is not tested.
- Add comments to source codes..
- Understand and build the Imputer model.
- Download datasets
$ cd datasets
$ git clone
- training
$ allennlp train -f --include-package src -s tmp configs/ctc.jsonnet
- evaluation
$ allennlp evaluate --output-file tmp/output_test.json --include-package src tmp/model.tar.gz datasets/small_parallel_enja/test
- prediction
- make json inputs
$ python datasets/ -I datasets/small_parallel_enja/test.ja -O datasets/test.ja.json
- predict
$ allennlp predict --output-file tmp/output_pred.json --include-package src --predictor small_parallel_enja_predictor tmp/model.tar.gz datasets/test.ja.json
- make json inputs