C++ Programming Language - Concept and sytnax.


If you ask me what the best choice of programming langs to start, I'will tell you c++.

Programmer and Problems solver

Why C++?

	Shortly, Im not gonna tell you its the mother of langs or those fucking ilogical causes, Its one from the most used langs,
and it is the most strong and fast lang
you can use it at anything you wanna build.

C++ fields:

	Operation Systems
	Cyber Security
	Softwars devlopment
	and other ...

HKG-C++ cours:

	We decide that we will write a c++ series, So in the and of the course you will know the concept of the programming in general,
The syntax of c++, Get more knowledg about logic, And how the instructions work
We will write documents also about OOP, Stucters, Data structrus and algorithms concept.