
Robustness of Embodied Point Navigation Agents: Codebase of the VO2021 agent

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Robustness of Embodied Point Navigation Agents: VO2021 agent

Frano Rajic

Project Website | Paper | Code [UCU Mlab] | >> Code [VO2021] <<

This repository contains the evaluation code for reproducing the benchmark results for the VO2021 agent. The codebase of the agent is taken from Xiaoming-Zhao/PointNav-VO.


Start by cloning the repository:

git clone https://github.com/m43/vo2021.git
cd vo2021

With the repository cloned, we recommend creating a new conda virtual environment using the provided environment setup script, adapted for our local machine setup. Depending on your local machine, you might want to remove the module purge and module load ... lines in the script, since we used the to prepare the cluster machines we worked with. The script might take a long time to run as habitat-sim must be built. The script will print out verbose logs about what bash command was run (set -o xtrace) and will stop if an error is encountered (set -e). To run the environment setup script:

bash environment_setup.sh

The environment setup script will also automatically download the Gibson dataset split data (a bunch of compressed .json files defining the splits of the Gibson dataset) with gdown. However, the Gibson dataset (~10GB) itself needs to be downloaded separately. To download (and link) the Gibson dataset, you could do the following:

# Optionally: create (or move) to a folder where you usually store datasets
mkdir -p /home/frano/data
cd /home/frano/data

# Sign agreement and download gibson_habitat_trainval.zip: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWlx5Z1DM1M-wTSXaa6zV8lTFkPmTHW1LqMsoCBDWsTDjBkQ/viewform
# wget link/to/gibson_habitat_trainval.zip
unzip gibson_habitat_trainval.zip

cd /get/back/to/the/cloned/code/repo # cd -
mkdir -p ./dataset
mkdir -p ./data

# Link the Gibson dataset correctly
ln -s /home/frano/data ./dataset/Gibson
ln -s /home/frano/data data/scene_datasets

# Verify that everything was linked correctly:
tree -L 1 /home/frano/data/gibson/
# /home/frano/data/gibson/
# ├── Ackermanville.glb
# ├── Ackermanville.navmesh
# ├── Adairsville.glb
# ├── Adairsville.navmesh
# ├── Adrian.glb
# ├── Adrian.navmesh
# ├── Airport.glb
# ├── Airport.navmesh
# ├── Albertville.glb
# ...
# └── Yscloskey.navmesh
tree dataset/ -L 5
# dataset/
# ├── Gibson -> /home/frano/data
# └── habitat_datasets
#     └── pointnav
#         └── gibson
#             ├── gibson_quality_ratings.csv
#             └── v2
#                 ├── train
#                 ├── val
#                 └── val_mini
tree -L 2 data dataset
# data
# └── scene_datasets -> /home/frano/data
# dataset/
# ├── Gibson -> /home/frano/data/
# └── habitat_datasets
#     └── pointnav

Finally, download the pretrained checkpoints at this link from the original author (as described in Xiaoming-Zhao/PointNav-VO). Put them under pretrained_ckpts with the following structure:

gdown --folder 1HG_d-PydxBBiDSnqG_GXAuG78Iq3uGdr --output pretrained_ckpts

tree pretrained_ckpts
# pretrained_ckpts
# ├── rl
# │   ├── no_tune
# │   │   └── rl_no_tune.pth
# │   └── tune_vo
# │       └── rl_tune_vo.pth
# └── vo
#     ├── act_forward.pth
#     └── act_left_right_inv_joint.pth

Results reproduction

Activate the created environment:

# module purge
# module load gcc/8.4.0-cuda cuda/10.1
conda activate vo2021

To reproduce the Color Jitter visual corruption results on the validation subset (row 13 of Table 1 of the paper), run the command below. Unlike for other agents, we did not control all sources of randomness of the VO agent and the numbers will differ slightly from the reported ones.

python -m pointnav_vo.run --task-type rl --noise 1 --exp-config configs/rl/ddppo_pointnav.yaml --run-type eval --n-gpu 1 --cur-time 123 --video_log_interval 200 --challenge_config_file config_files/challenge_pointnav2021.local.rgbd.GPU.yaml --agent_name vo --dataset_split val --seed 72 --color_jitter

This run configuration can be found in slurm/sbatch_8/8-01.sh. For other run configurations, consult the set of SLURM scripts in slurm/sbatch_8 and slurm/sbatch_11. Alternatively, consult the eval.sh script to see how all the possible corruption settings can be run.


If you find our work useful, please consider citing:

  title={Robustness of Embodied Point Navigation Agents},
  author={Raji{\v{c}}, Frano},
  booktitle={Computer Vision--ECCV 2022 Workshops: Tel Aviv, Israel, October 23--27, 2022, Proceedings, Part VI},