
Fitted a multivariate regression model on a brand’s product Sales Volume and the availabe marketing time series data to (i.e. Advertising, Distribution, Pricing) to estimate the impact of various marketing tactics on sales and then forecast the impact of future sets of tactics.

In this statistical analysis I fitted a multivariate regression model on simulations of Sales Volume (response Variable) and marketing series data to (i.e. Advertising, Distribution, Pricing) to estimate the impact of various marketing tactics on sales and then forecasted the impact of future sets of tactics.

The initial discovery of relationships is done with a training set while a test set is used for evaluating whether the discovered relationships hold.

Transformation and adjustment techniques are also applied (Adstocks, log-log, adding ordinal predictors) so that the data would meet the assumptions of the statistical inference procedure and to reduce the variability of forecasts.

Marketing_Mix_Modelling_analysis.md demonstrates the full analysis.