Based off of
Make sure to enable Unit Testing in Android Studio. Then right click and run
Tests if main Activity exists.
Tests if a TextView called with the id "text" has been added to a layout.
Tests if the TextView with the id "text" contains the string, "Help, I'm stuck in an Android Factory!"
Tests if an ImageView with the id "image" has been added to a layout.
Tests if an ImageView with the id "image" uses the drawable "hello_green.png".
Tests if EditTextAcitivity class exists.
Tests if layout for EditTextActivity exists.
Tests if TextView
displays the number of times a button has been clicked exists in main activity.
Tests if Button with click!
text is created after the TextView
. Every time
is clicked,
should be incremented by 1.
Tests if the Activity saves and restores the state of the counter in OnSaveInstanceState
and onRestoreInstanceState
Tests if SocialActivity class exists.
Tests if a layout exists for the SocialActivity Class.
Tests if SocialActivity responds to the ACTION_SEND
Tests if the Main Activity has a button for social sharing with id
Write your own unit tests, and then implement features to pass those tests. Take a look at Robolectric for documentation of the testing framework. Feel free to take a look at some of our own tests in unit-1-exercises.