
Machine learning subject PHW1 assignment results for the second semester of 2022

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Machine learning subject PHW1 assignment results for the second semester of 2022

Program description for PHW 1 programming task.


The dataset used in this function is in the form of a Python pandas data frame.

Function 1 : make_model

def make_model(K,data,case,**kwargs):
  • args : K = K_value for Kfold , data = pandas.dataframe for training, case = input switch for model selection, kwargs = args for classification model
    • According to the case argument input, one of decision tree, logistic, and svm classification models are created and the classification_compare function is executed based on the generated model.
    • Users can input model parameters for model training in a Python dictionary way(**kwargs)
    • Returns the return value(Model Accuracy Score array) of the classification_Compare function.

Function 2 : classification_Compare

def classification_Compare(data,model,K):
  • Args: data = pandas.dataframe for training, mode = classification model , K = K_value for Kfold
    • It trains the training data on the model input as a factor, validates the trained model, and returns the model's accuracy score.
    • The training data input as a factor is classified into training and validation datasets through the K-fold method. (Factor K is used as input for this K-fold.)
    • There is also an additional model validation process for the dataset that has been preprocessed through the min_max scale for the training data.
    • Returns an array of model accuracy scores for each training and validation dataset generated in a K-fold.
  1. Team Member Contribution

    201835543 한수민 33%

    202035512 김지수 33%

    202035540 전효빈 33%